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View Full Version : looking for news server address for telstra bigpond AUSSIE ISP

12-02-2004, 11:04 AM
hi, I'm looking to take advantage of newsgroups and just downloaded the grabit program, I'm looking for my NTTP/local news server or whatever and can't find the one for my ISP. I'm with telstra bigpond and they are the biggest ISP here in Australia yet I can't find their news server address by googling it or looking on their website. I just emailed their contact help centre asking for a news server address but I figured I'd ask here too cos I figure there may be a fair few aussies out there that use newsgroups and are with telstra bigpond. So does anyone know it??



12-02-2004, 11:10 AM
never fear, I managed to find it via google by trying a few different searchwords, no worries, now all I gotta do is figure out this newsgroups thing...


12-02-2004, 07:40 PM
This is the big site for Australian isp's. http://whirlpool.net.au/

12-02-2004, 08:45 PM
never fear, I managed to find it via google by trying a few different searchwords, no worries, now all I gotta do is figure out this newsgroups thing...

Did you look at my Guide yet...

12-03-2004, 08:06 AM
yeah I have been reading your guide, it's pretty useful aswell as the guide that you linked too. just one question to do with newsgroups which I don't quite understand. When people post files to be downloaded on the alt.binaries, don't they like go away after a while so how do I find movies like a popular classic e.g. life of brian, do i have to scrounge around randomly looking for these files because I sorta don't see any search tool except for like the one to find the certain groups, so how do I go about finding a specific file, i.e. movie?

12-03-2004, 08:49 AM
You can use the Search tab in the new version of GrabIt 1.5.0/1 though alot of stuff is going to be new.
You could can also post requests or check out fourms perhaps.
Older stuff may be easier found on an app like EMule I think...