View Full Version : What FileSharing newsgroups do you use?

12-15-2004, 05:32 AM
I am considering getting a feed to non-binary newsgroups via this forum. What are the non binary newsgroups you guys use the most that are related to filesharing?


12-15-2004, 06:01 AM

12-15-2004, 06:06 AM

12-15-2004, 06:31 AM

All deal with filesharing because when i am done dling i start the torrent for it and seed.

12-15-2004, 07:14 AM
I am considering getting a feed to non-binary newsgroups via this forum. What are the non binary newsgroups you guys use the most that are related to filesharing?

Im not sure what you want to do with a non-binary as thats all most of us know of News but I would really like to have a place to be able to post request and posts for uploads something similar to dvdrs.net but with more media.

I was actually going to pm you and ask if you had any interest in this here or I was considering possibly doing it on another forum though Ide really like to do it here though. I think it could be started in a simple layout...

News Groups (Main Catagory)
Guides And Tutorials (Perhaps Pinned In Main Section)
(Different Readers and Usenet Servers Information Also Pinned)

(Sub Catagory)
Spots & Posts
Intent To Post (Should Have Poll Ability)

This could could draw traffic for News users as posting fills and request in the groups can get lost quickly.

12-15-2004, 02:55 PM
Reality, PM or post more information with exactly what you are talking about.


12-15-2004, 03:37 PM
Ill pm you when I get back this afternoon...

12-15-2004, 04:04 PM
Non-Binarie means NO FILES. I means anythinfg that starts with alt.binareis is not included, so basically it will be a way for us to post onto newsgroups.

Rookie just get other things sorted first, people would only use newsgroups if they were binarie and could get files and having links and such intagrated into the forum could clash with the legal side of things.

12-15-2004, 04:38 PM
Rookie just get other things sorted first, people would only use newsgroups if they were binarie and could get files and having links and such intagrated into the forum could clash with the legal side of things.

There's nothing wrong with a newsgroupsection on this board.
Don't see how it would be different from the other filesharing-/release sections :unsure:
Won't take long to put up either. :)

[SPOTS] would be a very nice thing.
And if possible,include the NZB files with it.

[POSTS] and "Intend to..." probably will be very quiet,I think.
Uploading to newsgroups is totally diferent than sharing a file over a network.
Don't even think about uploading copyrighted stuff through your own ISP. :no:
Because if you do,all the information they(MPAA and others) need,will be available in your headers.
Using a premium newshost that doesn't log your uploads,and takes out all the information out of the headers,is something else though.
But not everyone has the money for this.And that's why i think it will be very quiet in the POST section. :wacko:

12-15-2004, 04:41 PM
There's nothing wrong with a newsgroupsection on this board.
Don't see how it would be different from the other filesharing-/release sections :unsure:
Won't take long to put up either. :)

[SPOTS] would be a very nice thing.
And if possible,include the NZB files with it.

[POSTS] and "Intend to..." probably will be very quiet,I think.
Uploading to newsgroups is totally diferent than sharing a file over a network.
Don't even think about uploading copyrighted stuff through your own ISP. :no:
Because if you do,all the information they(MPAA and others) need,will be available in your headers.
Using a premium newshost that doesn't log your uploads,and takes out all the information out of the headers,is something else though.
But not everyone has the money for this.And that's why i think it will be very quiet in the POST section. :wacko:
Hmmmmmmmm wasn't gonna take long for an arcade or new skins either:ermm:. He;s looking at gettingn NON BINARY which means we can post questions and answer stuff on newgroups but there will be NO FILES to download.

12-15-2004, 07:25 PM
I was pretty sure what his intention was regarding non binaries although it just struck as Ive been looking for somewhere to have a forum that would do as I mentioned earlier and as far as I know there is nothing that I know of that would be any problem either.

Also in Guides could be a how to ul tutorial. If this became popular and their were only a couple of posters or those that could do request then it may well bring quite a bit of traffic here to the board...

12-15-2004, 08:41 PM
Ok I PMed you Reality

12-16-2004, 05:35 PM
News Groups (Main Catagory)
Guides And Tutorials (Perhaps Pinned In Main Section)
(Different Readers and Usenet Servers Information Also Pinned)

(Sub Catagory)
Spots & Posts
Intent To Post (Should Have Poll Ability)

This could could draw traffic for News users as posting fills and request in the groups can get lost quickly.
Well rookiecrd1 is considering this now and I guess its in Team now.
He pm me and asked me to post that that I thought this should be
a Sub section in File Sharing (http://www.filesharingtalk.com/vb3/forumdisplay.php?f=8) next to Bittorent and other apps and
as I mentioned with the following Sub sections...

News Groups (Main Catagory)
Guides And Tutorials (Perhaps Pinned In Main Section)
(Different Readers and Usenet Servers Information Also Pinned)

(Sub Catagory)
Spots & Posts
Intent To Post (Should Have Poll Ability)

Any other thoughts or suggestions post them.

12-16-2004, 05:56 PM
I think your list covers about everything. :)

vivitron 15
12-17-2004, 12:17 PM
i think that this would be a great system, though i reckon it could well be made even more popular if it were "automated" somewhat...

What would be good would be for a place which automatically added the items which were added to NG, and not rely on people posting in the forums, as they do here. Now, this is where it gets complicated - how to do it?

Well, as i see it theres a couple of ways, and im not sure if either are feasible (or possible)

Firstly, a "server pc" downloaded the headers at regular intervals for the binary groups

then it either posts lists of what it finds (i.e. all the different .rar files, as you would if you updated headers yourself) or (and this would seem more logical) it downloads all the .nzb files and lists them for download...if this were considered "dodgy ground" then just list all of the .nzb files, and dont provide ddl. this "server" need not be the FST server, people could donate bandwidth to it: say i download the headers from group 'x' then i would be willing to upload the new .nzb's to the site, as long as this could also be fairly automatic...get a load of people doing different groups, and jobs a goodun

The other way would be to use a prebot (which i dont fully understand) to list the new releases. As they are released, they are added to a listing. Each iso gets a row in the database, and it can be displayed in much the same way as nforce or one of them sites. The only difference being that members are able to add comments to the post as to where they have seen the release, be it NG, torrent sites, wherever. This way, FST would be the ultimate 0-day listings site, as it would be automated, but it would also give info as to where the stuff can be found.

Personally i like the second way, and i reckon it would generate a huge amount of traffic, and hence advertising income.

12-17-2004, 04:54 PM
I think nzb might be touchy ground perhaps just the par2 file would be more quiet sorta speak although some post dont contain a par2, although I think starting with posters and generating some traffic and seeing where this goes first would be a good idea and then go from there perhaps...