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View Full Version : honeypot servers? tribes - all your bases belong to us

12-17-2004, 01:31 PM
if you look at your server list, you might see what i mean.
what i would recommend is to remove those servers and uncheck the box in emule preferances>server>add servers when connecting to clients AND servers until more is known about these strange servers.
they may be collecting info on your shares, or what youre downloading. :ph34r:

01-17-2005, 03:44 PM
Few days ago i receaved PM on eMule that someone can see my shared files and recomands strongly that i switch of my eMule. Unfortunatly, havent payed much attentnion about that so i do not remember who sent it. Reason is that i checked option NOT to allow other to see my shared files and i thought that's enough.
Is it possible that someone hacked in through eMule(have norton IS and AV) and how to prevent that in the future?

01-17-2005, 04:00 PM
did you talk to the person, or did it seem like an "automessage"?
some mods spam ppl

PS why are you trying to hijack my thread about honeypot servers? :angry:

01-17-2005, 05:30 PM
Why do you think there's something fishy about those servers?

Is it because of the "all your bases are belong to us"?

The story behind "All your base are belong to us". (http://www.planettribes.com/allyourbase/story.shtml#hist)

It's just a hype amongst computernerds.

And here's the song they made of it: AYB.swf (http://www.planettribes.com/allyourbase/AYB2.swf)

It even made the charts over here. :lol:

I also thought that there's already an updated serverlist that removed the servers used to catch sharers on ed2k.
It has been posted here a while ago.

01-17-2005, 05:33 PM
"why are you trying to hijack my thread about honeypot servers? "

Thought it might have smthng to do with it :D Mea culpa!

And for the who or what was that, realy dont know- eMule was on for a while and when i checked it, saw in right bottom corner some yellow icon. No idea what was it so i checked it and there was already described message. One more thing i remember was that person who sent it(some 2 h before) was then off line, so i didnt bother with answering or taking it in more serious consideration.
And question for the end not to ruin your thred completly: is it safe considering those nasty servers if i am constantly connected to razorback2 server ?

01-17-2005, 05:58 PM
define safe

01-17-2005, 06:12 PM
Safe like in: they know that i'm on eMule but can not see my share folder. In one word, no access to my hd files/comp.
I dont care if someone see my ip and notice that i was on eMule but don't like idea that someone can mess with my comp.

01-17-2005, 06:31 PM
if you share files on edonkey network, they cant browse your shares if you have it disabled, but if theyre downloading, uploading or queued for your files youre not "hidden"

if youre just worried about `someone can mess with my comp' then i wouldn't worry about regular emule allowing access to hackers

01-17-2005, 07:24 PM
ive actually gone ahead and deleted all servers except for Razorback :D , tis the best anyway

01-17-2005, 07:35 PM
from what i've read the ones from here are checked and ok:

the main thing is to disable "add servers when connecting to server/users" in emules settings, or just use KAD/Overnet and don't connect to servers at all.

or just don't share copywritten stuff :-p