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View Full Version : Doom III expansion

silent h3ro
12-20-2004, 02:12 AM
Expansion Details

Gattsu dropped us a line to let us know that the January issue of Game Informer magazine has a bit more information on the upcoming DOOM 3 expansion, Resurrection of Evil. Here are some bits of info grabbed from it but be warned there may be a spoiler or two:
RoE takes place two years after the events in DOOM 3
You play as a different marine this time around
Sent to assist Dr. Elizabeth McNeal in investigating a strange beacon on the planet
Betruger sends three demonic hunters after you when you discover a weapon known as the "Artifact"
When you defeat each hunter, their abilities are transferred into the Artifact
The abilities resemble, berseker, slow-mo and invulnerability and are all "stackable"
Roughly one half to two thirds as long as DOOM 3
Having the story revolve around two characters may bode well for co-op
For more information and to see the great pictures that accompany the article, be sure to grab the January issue of Game Informer magazine!

Source: Planet Doom (http://www.planetdoom.com/)

Looks pretty good to me. Hopefully by the time its released there will be a BT site to dl this from. :dry:

12-20-2004, 03:55 AM
Hopefully by the time its released there will be a BT site to dl this from. :dry:

lmfao..........i hope so too, just signed up for elitetorrents, god knows how little time i have till that shuts down too....fuck, suprnova was pretty good, i dont know why ppl bitched about it.

12-20-2004, 03:59 PM
, suprnova was pretty good, i dont know why ppl bitched about it.
Viruses, fake files, leecher world, slow on getting releases up there (not even 0day most of the time) seeders upload things, seed for a bit then jus stop leaving everyone at like 60%. Need i go on....