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View Full Version : People Who Cahnge File Names Are Bad

gLoXz 175
03-31-2003, 12:11 AM
damn all the poeople who do this should be kicked off of kazaa and all other P2P progs

The Great Dude
03-31-2003, 12:16 AM
They are horrible and deserved to be banished, but they will still be here. So, you have to deal with them.

03-31-2003, 12:34 AM
They are an unfortunate fact of p2p life.
I just hope the saying "Wot goes around,comes around" has some truth in it for these scumsuckers.

03-31-2003, 12:36 AM
Just use the avi preview to check it before you download the whole thing. I know how irritating it is, especially when you have a slow connection. :blink:

03-31-2003, 01:37 AM
I've never heard even a semi-reasonable explanation for why people do this (so I must assume that there isn't one), but I do wonder... not only is this VERY irritating to the people dl'ing from you, but how in the world do you find anything in your folder if everything is mislabeled? I mean, how long can you remember that the file titled "The Matrix Reloaded" is in fact "The Greatest Moments of Rob Schnieder" ( and thus an empty file)?

03-31-2003, 01:45 AM
I mean, how long can you remember that the file titled "The Matrix Reloaded" is in fact "The Greatest Moments of Rob Schnieder" ( and thus an empty file)?

Funny you mention this. I was on cough emule cough and was so happy to be getting reloaded. I figure after leaving it alone to dl, I would check out the movie to see the quality. Much to my suprise, I was not getting reloaded, but a screener of Joy Ride. I don't know why they got to do this to us, but I'd love to make 'em pay.

03-31-2003, 01:54 AM
The root of the problem is when the "file name" and the descriptiuon name are diffirent. If you look at the file name in the actual shared folder, it will be diff. than the file name in the kazaa program it self. So, when you are in the "My Kazaa lite" tab in the Kazaa prog., it will appear to be the correct file. :blink: :unsure: I think I just confused myself :lol:
Anyway I think some dumb bastard gets some freakish thrill out of screwing people over..

03-31-2003, 01:57 AM
I too fell for the Reloaded scam and got (part of) Joy Ride. All I can figure is that someone was so pissed of that they wasted their bandwidth dl'ing that piece of dreck in the first place that they retitled it and took revenge on the world...

03-31-2003, 07:36 PM
I too fell for the Reloaded scam and got (part of) Joy Ride. All I can figure is that someone was so pissed of that they wasted their bandwidth dl'ing that piece of dreck in the first place that they retitled it and took revenge on the world...

Isn't that the truth.


Candycane :lol:

Edit: Grammer

03-31-2003, 08:11 PM

or be made to use 28k modems yea that would be an ace punishment

04-01-2003, 05:44 AM
Initially I was going to oppose the guys who made this thread.

I download stuff and hate the way the files are named. mp3s not properly named, tagged or anything.

Documents and Apps not consistently named and dont contain the relevant information I need to decide whether or not to download.

I usually open a file check out its contents and give it a very appropiate name. I do follow a certain CLEAR naming methodology.

YES: I also downloade that bloody "Matrix Reloaded" 600+ Megs. Turned out to be some stuff I dont remember, and deleted it.

What we need is a consistent naming convention or a few different templates.

Can we not start an RFC or something of the sort ? I dont know if the W3C would be willing to host it for us. Is there one ?

Naming conventions for different types of files.

PS: When you are sharing your files it is like an "anonymous" personal collection for your "anonymous" unknown friends. Organize and name clearly.

04-01-2003, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by gLoXz 175@31 March 2003 - 01:11
damn all the poeople who do this should be kicked off of kazaa and all other P2P progs
I would suggest to implement a rating for users so at least we could know who is reliable o who isn't ;)

04-01-2003, 10:00 AM
Crashnburn...I'm not sure about your idea about conventions/templates, after all what may be convenient or useful to you may not be for me. Anyway, I think that the point of this thread is fake files, not charmingly mislabeled ones. The folks ( who ARE they?) who intentionally mislabel a file aren't going to adhere to any conventions anyway.
Claudio22... a rating system is easily doable, EBay has one and it's not terribly cumbersome. However, there is money involved there so the stakes are a lot higher. We are only risking a little time and with some of the wonderful tools available thru K-Lite even that can be conserved.

04-01-2003, 06:30 PM
i think i have a reason for people who do it, and they are stupid people... you get participation points for people d/ling ur files right, so people get some old file they dont care about and change the names to a popular file everyone wants (say whinnie the poo movie, changed to the matrix reloaded :angry: ) even tho idiots like this could just get a cheated verison or a trick what bothers no one else!! they decide stupidly to do this!

04-02-2003, 09:23 AM
hehe.. how dumb.

WHy dont they get K-Lite and stick with the 1000-MASTER-SupremeBeing participation Level?

I seriously believe that participation does not come from your LEVEL.

It comes from your heart. Treat people who are downloading from you they way you want to be treated when downloading.

PS: It has to be a self-less community. Points system will again skew it and people will TRY harder to get around ways to get points. Just Do It. HELP PEOPLE!