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View Full Version : Kessen 3

12-21-2004, 05:32 AM
The official trailer for the Japanese version of KESSEN III is now live at GameSpot.com. The eagerly anticipated KESSEN III is the first sequel for the title, which ushered in the age of the PlayStation 2, nearly four years ago.


The Crowd Engine that was used in the original Kessen has been completely rebuilt to deliver the most exciting battle scenes and action-oriented gameplay in the series- all in full 3D. Unlike any of the previous Kessen games in the series, players will have direct real-time control of troop movements, offensive, and defensive maneuvers. Moreover, allied units can join the player-controlled unit to create combination attacks!

I have played both of the previous Kessen games and found them enjoyable, I look foreward to the next step in the series. Kessen III will ship to retailers February 22, 2005.

Has anyone seen this Kessen 3 trailer yet?

silent h3ro
12-21-2004, 03:43 PM
Um the trailor looks pretty interesting. My favorite part is when the big old guy beats the little children with the stick. But the game it self looks decent. A little hard to understand that Jap though.