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View Full Version : Loki Torrent Passes $30,000

01-04-2005, 09:16 AM
Loki Torrent Nears Initial Goal
January 3, 2005
Thomas Mennecke

As many already know, the MPAA and its international team of cronies have been widely successful in knocking out many of the largest BitTorrent and eDonkey2000 indexing sites. While SuprNova folded, some decided to dig in and fight the good fight. Such is the case with Loki Torrents.

During the reigning days of SuprNova, Loki Torrent, a BitTorrent tracker, played an important yet lower key role in the BitTorrent community. While not as large as SuprNova, Loki Torrent assumed a critical role in maintaining the BitTorrent network. Those looking to avoid that bottle necks usually associated with SuprNova typically found Loki Torrents to be more than adequate in meeting their Torrent needs.

Since the demise of many Torrent sites, Loki Torrent has witnessed its usage increase dramatically. Like many other BitTorrent sites, Loki Torrent was issued a Cease and Desist letter from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA.) This warning letter is typically enough for most sites to close down, however Loki Torrent held on. On December 14, 2004, Loki Torrent was officially notified by the MPAA that a lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court in the Northern District of Texas. Because the MPAA does not know the identities of the tracker owners, the suit was filed as "[John] Does 1-10."

In response to the lawsuit, Loki Torrent did the unexpected. Instead of closing down, Loki Torrents decided to raise the necessary funds to counter the MPAA's lawsuit. Considering the copyright industry's tactics are to simply wear down any opponent, Loki Torrent is looking at a minimum of $30,000.00 a month to stand against the MPAA. While raising $30,000.00 a month may seem like a daunting task, especially for a lesser known website, the feat is well within their grasp.

Today, Loki Torrent is no longer the lesser-known BitTorrent website. The current MPAA campaign, and its decision to fight back, has thrust this site into the BitTorrent spotlight. Within two weeks (5 days public) of announcing their fund raising campaign, Loki Torrents is only $710.00 dollars away from reaching their initial goal. At the time of this writing, Loki Torrent has raised an impressive $29,290.00.

As Loki Torrent has pointed out, this is only their initial goal. Legal fees, especially against a behemoth like the MPAA, can and will be extraordinary. Considering there has been no decision or interpretation regarding the legality of hash links or torrents links, the potential for a pro P2P ruling is very real. You can find more information regarding this issue on Loki Torrent's homepage.

Source - Slyck
Loki - http://www.lokitorrent.com/
Now Beyond $32,000

01-04-2005, 09:48 AM
WOW! This will be very interesting... I hope for the best but 32,000 might not be enough as I'm sure this will be a long fight.

I wish Loki the best of luck.

01-05-2005, 02:37 AM
i really dont think loki will last although they are holding up for now. I would like to see a victory, but i dont think the MPAA will back down. Unless loki wins a judgement in a few months, they're gonna run out of funds

01-05-2005, 02:42 AM
i don't see the fees keeping up to that sort of standard - a couple of months they're be lucky to rase $1000

01-05-2005, 04:04 AM
I dont know. Magic does exist. Or else they wouldnt have created Harry Potter, or Arcanum. You know?

01-05-2005, 08:37 PM
Why don't they just say :censored:"Screw You" :censored: and not pay

If the MPAA can't find them then how can they collect

01-06-2005, 05:06 AM
Because somebody needs to set a legal precedent against those anti P2P feckers that will stick.

I seriously wish Loki all the luck in the word with doing just that.

However, I fear this fight will come to nothing in the end.
The MPAA will just keep appealling against any ruling that doesn't find in thier favour until the opposition caves.

01-09-2005, 07:16 AM
The MPAA will stop one day... they will go down by either of these: The Violent way, the low on money way, or the lazy way of giving up. I like the violent way against the MPAA. Round up a mob and storm their company or even better... :nuke:

01-09-2005, 10:54 AM
what if they suddenly say: 'Thnx for the money' and we never see them again?? :shifty:


Is there any change they can win it??

01-09-2005, 09:37 PM
Hmmmmmm :dry:

01-09-2005, 09:48 PM
First the RIAA, now the MPAA. Why can't they just get it through their heads that no matter how hard they try, we're always going to find way to pirate whatever we want.

01-09-2005, 09:57 PM