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View Full Version : Add a hornetp2p section to board?

01-05-2005, 07:27 AM
Currently a couple other filesharing forums have recently added hornetp2p sections. Also it's been mentioned on zeropaid.

IMO that it might be nice to have one here as well.

The new client and network is just starting out and could use all the support it can get.

Hornetp2p is meant to replace kazaa, gnutella, bittorrent and other outdated filesharing clients and networks.

Currently it needs users to join it.

Here is something that was recently posted to shareaza's forums.

"So like a homeless shelter, p2p users (rather than the homeless) can come to the next generation of filesharing in thier greatest time of need." adamized

"I don't think you realise just how fantastic that "slogan" is... You should really post that one up somewhere.

It pretty much shifts the blame back to the RIAA! LOL. It's like saying: "we're creating an anonymous network for all the people who don't really know if what they're sharing is illegal or not and are so scared of being fined that they just need some safeground" but the RIAA is the company that caused the fear and therefore brought on the need for anonymous filesharing!

I think i'm starting to understand why you promote it so hard." pilo
Thanks adamized and pilo.

Also thanks bitz (hornetp2p's developer) for the great new client. Hornetp2p is a ants client, that uses the best ants networking and code to produce a solid fast client and network. Special thanks to the brilliant and even godlike gwren for developing ants networking and the code that hornetp2p was produced from.

I highly recommend checking out the zeropaid thread about hornetp2p and the hornetp2p website (http://bitzbreaker.zap3x.com/).

01-05-2005, 08:11 AM
Bittorrent outdated? :blink:

01-05-2005, 08:33 AM
Ive watched Ants grow slowly although I havent tested it in awhile and it still seems like a smaller network that has yet to draw alot of interest as good as an idea as it may be. One of the problems is due to the way its designed which is primarly for security it seems to create much slower speeds and of course heavier ul traffic also last time I checked. I would like to see an app like this grow and now it may have its time considering all the bt events although well see.

For now I would suggest opening a topic in the FileSharing section and see what type of response you get. I wll also add at one point we also had a Shareaza section which now and then is much more poular yet got very little posting along with some other sections so things were simplified to avoid having Ghost Town sections but things change so...

01-05-2005, 03:37 PM
Bittorrent outdated? :blink:

Unlike the ants development network, which antsp2p runs on. Hornetp2p forms a seperate ants "end user" network for it's users. Common problems and issues with antsp2p mostly don't exist in the Hornetp2p custom build. Users can download and run it for 24/7 without having to constantly deal with looking out for new updates and trying to get them to work (many times new releases tend to be broken, have bugs, etc. Yeah such is the nature of beta testing.)

There is a couple vulnerabilities that the riaa/mpaa are exploiting with bittorrent (and other filesharing clients/networks). One that it requires a tracker, and the other is it requires a verifieds site. As many of the large bittorrent sites have been taken offline (and some remaining sites are fighting to stay online), isn't any wonder that there was such a major interest in solutions such as exeem (though it turns out, that it's just going to be like another kazaa and isn't worth messing with).

Ants clients, such as Hornetp2p do not suffer from such vulnerabilities. There is no tracker, no external verifieds site. Instead it's just other peers and anonymously hosted websites on the peer network. There isn't anyway to directly ask a peer "what are you sharing" or even to download a listing of thier shared content. Instead it's searching and filetransfers are done through a integrated search engine that uses randomly generated network id's (that are not based on or linked to the clients address), there are no direct transfers and the peers between the content's source and destination have not idea what is being routed. Does this make for a slow network? Well no, the fairly popular but minimal filesharing application mute has proved that anonymity doesn't have to mean slow networking (so it's not another freenet, lol). In fact the networking is so slick that it's speeds are on adverage better than mute's. Since the client sports a better gui, users familiar with kazaa, shareaza and there popular filesharing applications shouldn't take very long to get up to speed on how to use it. There already are tutorials, user guides and screenshots.

Even if users don't want to run it just yet, they can still support it by downloading it from sourceforge.net and sharing it through thier current filesharing applications. Also they can tell thier friends about it and help spread the word.

So even if you've already tried ants, you might want to try hornetp2p, several users that have tried it have mentioned that it sure doesn't behave like ants and feels different.

Really hornetp2p could be considered like bittorrent only with anonymity and internally hosted anonymous verified sites.

Users can anonymously showcase thier shared content, or just run a anonymous website, or forums, or an anonymous ftp like site, etc. There really is so much that can be done with hornetp2p. It can also be used in other capacities than just public filesharing. Groups of people could use it for sharing content just amoung friends. Companies and students could use it for sharing on lans. Ants is truely a very cool type of next generation networking.

Even if a hornetp2p section isn't added, like I've already mentioned there are a couple boards that have sections for it. There are even non english sections and people that can answer questions and discuss it. Currently the other languages include german and dutch. Though given time there's bound to be more languages supported by the forums.

Although it's website currently is just in english, that's also bound to change as well.

Anyways forum links are already posted on it's website.

01-05-2005, 03:58 PM
fsmstr007, you only have made 8 posts here... are you one of the developers of this new program ? :shifty:

There will not be a separate section because if we create one we also need to add sections for winMX etc... Only programs allot of users will get their own section. (like: bittorrent/emule)

01-05-2005, 04:39 PM
I see what you mena now.
But I'd love to get my hands on some screenshots though. :)
I've been to the developers homepage on sourceforge but there weren't any. :unsure:

Rick Phlegm
01-05-2005, 04:44 PM
If you agreed that this website, it's author, etc, etc... is not responsible for any abuse of the content provided within you are authorized to be here.
Otherwise your not legally allowed to view this page.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Inspiring stuff. I wish being that naive protected everyone.

01-05-2005, 05:15 PM
I see what you mena now.
But I'd love to get my hands on some screenshots though. :)
I've been to the developers homepage on sourceforge but there weren't any. :unsure:

The website has the screenshots, sourceforge just contains the files, and some basic project forums. There is a home page link to the website on the sourceforge project page. At the moment there is a general screenshot and several for the user guide and tutorials.

Though really screenshots are not going to really outline how a truely impressive ants client it is.

01-05-2005, 05:19 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Inspiring stuff. I wish being that naive protected everyone.

Well IMO that the author really isn't being serious about that, probably just figured that might help attract users. It's just a clever marketing technique, don't you think?

I wouldn't think that bitz would be so naive.

01-05-2005, 06:06 PM
For now I would suggest opening a topic in the FileSharing section and see what type of response you get. I wll also add at one point we also had a Shareaza section which now and then is much more poular yet got very little posting along with some other sections so things were simplified to avoid having Ghost Town sections but things change so...

Turns out that was a bad idea, took very little time before it was removed. I couldn't even respond to anyone's posts before it was removed, lol. Looks like nothing but hate once again.

Maybe someone else should post it, and start the discussion, obviously posts from a new member is a bad idea.

01-05-2005, 06:45 PM
It should be noted that 'Ants' rhymes with 'pants'. That is all.*

*I mean 'Ants' does rhyme with other words I was merely indicating that was all I had to say on the matter.

01-05-2005, 06:51 PM
fsmstr007, you only have made 8 posts here... are you one of the developers of this new program ? :shifty:

There will not be a separate section because if we create one we also need to add sections for winMX etc... Only programs allot of users will get their own section. (like: bittorrent/emule)

Saved me a lot of typing IKE. Thank you Sir ;)

01-05-2005, 10:18 PM
servers aren't hosted in Palestina by any chance ???? :devil:

01-05-2005, 11:19 PM
servers aren't hosted in Palestina by any chance ???? :devil:

Lol, no I don't think so (not that I would know if there were any), though really anyone anywhere can run it, so there could eventually be people running it there as well. :devil: