View Full Version : left my protowall down for 3hours!!!

Money Fist
01-07-2005, 01:37 PM
i went out and left my protowall down by mistake while DLing a torrent...
now im feeling quite violated!

what are the chances of me gettin nabbed?

01-07-2005, 02:19 PM
If you live in england then the chances of you getting caught are pretty much zero since i dont know anyone who has got in trouble for downloading torrents.

vivitron 15
01-07-2005, 04:45 PM
hahaha - it was just enough time, i have your IP and am selling the info to the authorities!

Sorry, someone was going to...

[Serious mode] You'll most likely be fine - I dont ever bother with these lists, and have been fine so far - just be careful where you get the .torrent. You're best off with closed sites, and not public ones such as Suprnova was, though even there I got many many movies.

If you're worried about doing it again, then consider using Azureus for which there is a plugin which will automatically download the blocklist and "protect" you in the same way as Protowall does, but without having to think to run another app

Money Fist
01-07-2005, 04:56 PM
cheers guys
now i will pick the hair i pulled out up

im just a security freak thats all :P

01-07-2005, 05:03 PM
I never understood these block lists. fine it can stop you getting fake files from known servers of crap but how is it going to stop someone who quietly goes about collecting information.

hell it would take me a few hours to write an app that collects all the ip adress i can scrape from a tracker and store them all in a databse for sueing later. no one would have a clue i was doing it so nobody would block my ip. its the same with the **aa all they have to do is use a server not on the list.

Money Fist
01-07-2005, 05:12 PM
i kinda live by my blocklist
not only blockfakes but blocks spyware traffic
trojan related shite

even right now im blocking packets from "Hollywood Interactive Inc"
and "McM french music company"

as for peeps quietly collecting info
i dunno

vivitron 15
01-07-2005, 11:19 PM
the thing i never got is who is to say that these people are the right people to block? what happens if youre on a torrent and a guy in Japan with a 10MB line is being blocked - then you wont get a piece of his ul.

at the end of the day, if you get loads of hits, then this proves nothing...

also they will still have ur IP, just cant connect, so its questionable what they would be less able to do

and another point (should add structure, but bugger it) is why do i care if the hungarian branch of the mafia based mpaa have my ip? they cant sue, cos they aint english

01-07-2005, 11:28 PM
yep its too late :(


01-08-2005, 09:53 PM
cheers guys
now i will pick the hair i pulled out up

im just a security freak thats all :P

Well since your a "security freak" as you put it, check out hornetp2p. No blocklists, etc needed. :devil:

01-08-2005, 10:11 PM
it's no biggie. i've done the same, and i'm still fine