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View Full Version : Why Emule?

04-01-2003, 03:03 AM
Someone sent me a hash/link to a file I need. They said it was on emule. I've instaleld emule. Now what? How do I find the file I want?

Last but not least.... why would I want to use emule instead of K-Lite? Does it do things that K-Lite does not?

04-01-2003, 03:09 AM
emule has some files that kazaa may not, you are less likely (aparently) to get corrupted files and is good for games.....its always a good idea to have more than one way to skin a cat!

You will need to update the server list etc...if you didnt dl the help file I recommend you go back to the site and dl it...it pretty much tells you all you need to know. :D

The Great Dude
04-01-2003, 03:34 AM
Use both. Emule is good because it redownloads any corrupted parts of a download.

04-01-2003, 03:14 PM
I also use both. I get pretty good speeds on emule and have only just now gotten my first fake.
Thought I was getting Daredevil but got Time Bandits instead. Oh well the kids will like it :)

Haven't gotten a fake on kazaa in quite a long time but had plenty before I learned how to avoid them.

I haven't used hashes for it, but I belive you just enter it into the space called direct download in the search section, top right side. Unless it is a link from a site in which case you should just click on it.

04-02-2003, 05:29 PM
I use both e-mule and kazaa, I have never gotten a fake file/corrupted file on emule, but the download speeds are way slower then on kazaa....basicly, i use e-mule for games, kazaa for popular apps and some music (also use soulseek for music ;) )

So U'll be better off using both of them.

p.s: Besides there are TONS of threads about e-mule..so just search and U'll find anything U want to know ;)

04-02-2003, 05:51 PM
you can get links from here (http://www.sharereactor.com) , here (http://forum.sharereactor.com) , and also here (http://www.sharelive.com)
there are mayn more, but these are my top 3!!!
always use both!, btw OverNet (http://www.overnet.com) is a serverless donkey version!

04-02-2003, 07:04 PM
where can I download emule from

04-02-2003, 11:52 PM
www.emule-project.net (http://www.emule-project.net) <_<


04-02-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by OcramC@2 April 2003 - 20:04
where can I download emule from
hey look i asked that before too :P lol

MagicNakor Posted on 3 April 2003 - 00:52


look he also gave met he same response

anyawyz emule i dunt like it found it too hard to use i will just stick to k-lite :P

04-03-2003, 02:28 AM
Same question, same answer. :D


04-23-2003, 04:40 PM
Emule combined with the SR forum rocks.
If u have any doubt weather the file ur dl is fake, u can in 99% of the cases find out weather it is fake or not in the SR forum.