View Full Version : is there a purpose to deleting posts??

01-13-2005, 06:08 AM
yes I am referring to posts that are gone off topic

is there a purpose?? is it too save bandwidth on this forum?? is the database getting to big and taking up to much room?? does it save money?? is it just fun too do it to stir up members so you can sit ther and laugh at yoru PC (hehe)

I'm just wondering its getting completely out of hand and annoying lately the random deletion of posts.

if something goes off topic we have a thing called the lounge here isn't it as easy to move topic that goes off topic to the lounge in one click then deleting about 20 posts randomly or.... throwing it in the trash so that only you guys can see?

01-13-2005, 07:51 AM
Good Point :)

01-13-2005, 10:04 AM
You talking about the 'Do U copy rented DVDs?' thread? I split it with the intention to move the other posts in a new thread. I moved them to the trash can so I could edit the title etc.. but I cannot open threads in the trash section since yesterday :frusty:

no threads shouldnt be moved to the lounge if they have gone off-topic only if the creator of the thread agrees. if I post a thread outside the lounge I want it to be on-topic and I think the other members think the same.

01-13-2005, 10:23 AM
You talking about the 'Do U copy rented DVDs?' thread? I split it with the intention to move the other posts in a new thread. I moved them to the trash can so I could edit the title etc.. but I cannot open threads in the trash section since yesterday :frusty:

no threads shouldnt be moved to the lounge if they have gone off-topic only if the creator of the thread agrees. if I post a thread outside the lounge I want it to be on-topic and I think the other members think the same.That's OK with me :D

Maybe next time leave a note to the effect that you'd intended to split the post but the trash wasn't working properly so it will have to wait a while - rather than the simple "Off topic!!11" comment that you did leave.

Cheers for explaining, tho'.

01-13-2005, 10:30 AM
You talking about the 'Do U copy rented DVDs?' thread? I split it with the intention to move the other posts in a new thread. I moved them to the trash can so I could edit the title etc.. but I cannot open threads in the trash section since yesterday :frusty:

no threads shouldnt be moved to the lounge if they have gone off-topic only if the creator of the thread agrees. if I post a thread outside the lounge I want it to be on-topic and I think the other members think the same.

so your telling me the creater of the thread of the posts you delete you ask before you delete them

isn't it a moderators descion weather a thread is deleted or moved

no imnot talking about just that thread im talkign about any thread that goes off topic

01-13-2005, 10:33 AM
so your telling me the creater of the thread of the posts you delete you ask before you delete them

isn't it a moderators descion weather a thread is deleted or moved

no imnot talking about just that thread im talkign about any thread that goes off topic

no we dont ask the creator before deleting posts.

We have a lounge for off-topic talk. people should now to keep threads on-topic outside the lounge.

01-13-2005, 11:08 AM
But the question was...Why are they deleted?

Is it to save bandwidth, space, etc. or is it just to keep things tidy?

Everything in the Lounge is senseless incoherent babble anyway. What's the difference if the conversation turns to something else? :lol:

01-13-2005, 11:26 AM
yes its the question I asked and I in noway mean no dis respect I asked in a friendly matter I can understnad why a Post that say had serial cumbers cracks or out of hand flaming or attack on members would be delted.

01-13-2005, 11:45 AM
Everything in the Lounge is senseless incoherent babble anyway.Speak for yourself. I find that mostly it's perfectly coherent.

However, if you struggle with words of more than one syllable then your conclusion is entirely understandable.

01-13-2005, 11:58 AM
I think Gameworld should be deleted. I have yet to see a thread stay on-topic in there. Sometimes even the thread starter has trouble with his initial post...:azd:

Anyhow, please delete this post if it helps save bandwidth.

01-13-2005, 12:05 PM
I think lots of people prefer to read a serious topic without having to cope with all kinds of off-topic stuff. These kinds of topics attract new people, and new people is what we need to make this forum grow and be more active.

01-13-2005, 01:08 PM
im serious about the badnwith issue

ive seen on other forums that they will delete posts not related to topics ect becasue i guess money reason web space and badnwith

01-13-2005, 01:43 PM
im serious about the badnwith issue

ive seen on other forums that they will delete posts not related to topics ect becasue i guess money reason web space and badnwithDid you realise that the beer can in your av is not actually a Duff Beer can?

Just an example of how things can easily be taken off-topic. I assume your thread in this section is serious, and you wouldn't want it being led to one side by off topic posts, whether frivolous as in my example or even perfectly serious (but irrelevant) ones. In that situation frivolous posts will probably simply be trashed. Serious posts may be split into a new thread, but they also run the risk of being trashed.

Spam threads will always be trashed. It isn't a case of bandwidth or web space, they simply detract from what the board is about. They are removed in just the same way as most people would remove spam emails.

01-13-2005, 01:59 PM
This thread should be moved to the lounge now. It's gone off topic. It's about Duff Beer! ;)

@IKE read my post in team chat for a solution to the trash problem.

01-13-2005, 02:03 PM
I think you should split lynx's post off and put it in the lounge.

01-13-2005, 02:34 PM
It looks like a Duff beer to me...

01-13-2005, 02:51 PM
His avatar is compressed.

Perhaps if Ad posted the original pic we could read the logo on the can and get this thread totally cleared up.

01-13-2005, 02:54 PM
It rhymes with "buff deer"


01-13-2005, 05:12 PM
Why would a Chelsea player make beer???

01-13-2005, 06:13 PM
Why would a Chelsea player make beer???:lol: :D

It was probably written into his contract to help recoup some of the huge salary they needed to pay to stop Man Utd from signing him.

I'm not convinced it's Duff. To me it seems that Homer J. is swigging from a can of Kestrel Super.

01-13-2005, 06:13 PM
Why would a Chelsea player make beer???

He nearly scored yesterday :01:

Anything on tv tonight guys :unsure:

01-13-2005, 07:31 PM
You talking about the 'Do U copy rented DVDs?' thread? I split it with the intention to move the other posts in a new thread. I moved them to the trash can so I could edit the title etc.. but I cannot open threads in the trash section since yesterday :frusty:

no threads shouldnt be moved to the lounge if they have gone off-topic only if the creator of the thread agrees. if I post a thread outside the lounge I want it to be on-topic and I think the other members think the same.
the deleted posts in question were about rental outlets.

Rental Outlets.....Do U copy rented DVDs? :blink:

Ahh I see. There was a need to move those posts. Yup, I get it now. Uh hm.

Oh and Duff beer is uh great...for a ....Chelses player...as uh long as it's in Adster's av...in da Lounge. :blink:

01-13-2005, 07:45 PM
posts from Skizo, Peerzy and Monkeee were off-topic those were removed.

posts like

Feck Blockbuster!! :mad3:

are not needed. (got deleted)

the discussion between Peerzy and muchspl2 was off-topic (got deleted)

I will have a look @ the posts that were trashed and see if I can create a new thread for that.
