View Full Version : eXeem and the selling out of the BT community

01-13-2005, 10:19 AM
Author : xxxsidxxx

SOURCE (http://www.slyck.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8875)

This thread is about the selling out of the Bit Torrent Community, the eXeem project of Andrej "Sloncek" Preston and the blindness of the former community.

Suprnova.org was known by other sites as the leeching site. Would list trackers, but had none of their own. Was the largest online "lister" of torrent files. Suprnova.org made some big $$$ in the last year. Sure server cost are high, but when you have 1 million views a day...

Sloncek(which when translated means little elephant), has sold out the BT community. Shutting down suprnova.org, only to suppliment it with HIS software. Software that uses Cydoor, a really nasty spyware/adware app. All of this, to make money. He is selling out the BT community to make money off of the n00bs and the unsuspecting. Most users where not aware that the suprnova site used Cydoor to advertise with either. Although it is unclear how much money from Cydoor, and other adverts he has made, it is a large sum of money.

The problem with eXeem is that it is not DE-CENTRALIZED like Sloncek wants you to believe, it requires users to leave their eXeem open, so that they can become Super-Nodes. Even if you are not uploading or downloading, eXeem requires you to leave it open so it can bounce, or store info on your machine. More profit for Sloncek, and more traffic on your internet connection. Without users having to leave eXeem open, the whole eXeem network comes to a screeching halt.

eXeem is a flawed P2P app, that is all hype, and alot of BAD code. The hype comes from suprnovaforums.net, they meeting ground of all the former supernova admins, mods and sloncek himself.

On those forums, some interesting stuff goes on behind the scenes. Recently, since the close of the real suprnova.org, there has been alot of in-fighting between the staff. Those who support Sloncek, and those who don't. The supporters of Sloncek are quick to lock threads when anyone has anything negative to say about eXeem or Sloncek. Some even hype up eXeem. The rest of the remaining staff and high-end users are hanging around suprnovaforums.net to help the n00bs, and make sure people get alittle educated about what is happening. They may be limited on the forums, but highly involved on irc and chat systems.

Sloncek has done some interesting stuff to hide himself from the BT Community. In an interview with NovaRadio, Sloncek has made it seem as if he was hired by some other company to oversee and promote eXeem. But, in reality, that company is OWNED by Sloncek himself. He has friends who are coding the software basically for free. Those friends are doing it for the P2P community no doubt. And their is no doubt, that once released to the public withing the next few days as a public beta, Sloncek will be reaping the cash rewards.

Suprnova.org was shut down by Sloncek, with no pressure at all from outside sources. The legal aspect of torrent sites is yet to be decided. But Sloncek, seeing that he might be in a speck of trouble, tucked his tail between his legs, and started some new project to make money. Lokkitorrents is standing its ground, and fighting the MPAA on the legal aspect. And other sites should come to their side. Alas, other sites have not. And, it's a fact, that many other sites have closed up because of Slonceks say. No, they did not get served papers from the MPAA, they got a message from Sloncek.

The BT community won't die, or go away, but that does not mean that Sloncek hasn't done major wrongs to it. In all, this article is about the selling out of a huge part of the BT community. Legal aspect aside, someone has done something wrong. That person has wronged hundreds of thousands of BT users, and is looking to do it again. So, stay alert out there BT community...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v620/xxx.../whoisexeem.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v620/xxxsidxxx/whoisexeem.jpg)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v620/xxx...eemproblems.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v620/xxxsidxxx/exeemproblems.jpg)

01-13-2005, 11:52 AM
How accurate is this?

The first of those images (the whois lookup) is certainly inaccurate, although I can't be sure that the info shown wasn't true at some time. The registration details were last changed on 30 December.

Why is half of it blanked out? It is publicly available information anyway. Seems a little fishy to me.

01-13-2005, 02:42 PM
How accurate is this?

posted on Slyck.com; Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:18 pm

01-13-2005, 08:16 PM
I think I have to agree with some of the comments posted on Slyck.

xxxsidxxx seems to have issues but doesn't seem to have any concrete proof. Someone who claims to be a Suprnovaforums admin says he is wrong, xxxsidxxx says there are many other admins who say he is right, but I don't see any of them posting to back him up.

Whether there is any truth to xxxsidxxx's claims remains to be seen, but it seems more likely that this is just another turn of the rumour mill.