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View Full Version : Anyone ever tried Binnews.com?

01-21-2005, 04:05 PM

Just wondering if anyone ever tried it?

I'm currently a member of Newzbin. (http://www.newzbin.com),but I was wondering how the coverage on binnews is.(Newzbin currently has a 72% coverage)
And if it's any good overall?

It is a little more expensive than Newzbin but I might check it out just to see how good or bad they are.

If you know of any other indexing sites leave a link here so I can check them out as well.

05-07-2006, 06:29 PM
Filliz, I see it's been a while since you posted your questionl... did you ever end up checking out binnews.com? I am curious about what it has to offer and how it compares to newzbin. Let us know! Thanks

05-08-2006, 05:46 AM
In short same thing that cost more though...