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View Full Version : Small-Breasted Women

01-27-2005, 10:42 PM
There are plenty of advantages small-breasted women have over their larger counterparts:

1. Don't cause a traffic accident every time they bend over in public.

2. Always look younger.

3. Find that dribbled food makes it to the napkin on their lap.

4. Can always see their toes and shoes.

5. Can sleep on their stomachs.

6. Have no trouble sliding behind the wheel of small cars.

7. Know that people can read the entire message on their t-shirts.

8. Know that everything more than a handful is wasted.

9. Can come late to a theater and not disrupt an entire aisle.

10. Can take aerobic class without running the risk of knocking themselves out.

Darth Sushi
01-27-2005, 10:45 PM
Anything more than a handfull and you'll risk a sprang thumb. :rolleyes:

01-28-2005, 08:58 AM
Those are pretty crummy reasons :dry:

01-28-2005, 10:13 AM
Some better ones imo.... :dry:

1. They don't sag and end up hanging round your waist
2. You can go without a bra (see no.1)
3. They don't give you back ache
4. Your man doesn't lie on em, roll on em or squash em in bed
5. When lying down the nipples stay at the front rather than somewhere under the armpit
6. They aren't heavy so don't give you stretch marks
7. When cuddling you can get really close without them getting in the way.
8. Men can engage you in conversation without being distracted

01-28-2005, 10:45 AM
I always talk to women and not their chests. That's just rude. And don't think they don't notice boys, because they do, and she'll think even less of you that she originally did if that was possible.

01-28-2005, 01:29 PM
Some better ones imo.... :dry:

1. They don't sag and end up hanging round your waist
2. You can go without a bra (see no.1)
3. They don't give you back ache
4. Your man doesn't lie on em, roll on em or squash em in bed
5. When lying down the nipples stay at the front rather than somewhere under the armpit
6. They aren't heavy so don't give you stretch marks
7. When cuddling you can get really close without them getting in the way.
8. Men can engage you in conversation without being distractedYep, some good ones there.

Also I find that girls with huge breasts are completely obsessed by them, more so than the boyfriend; they're forever refering to them:

1. I think I might get a breast reduction, they are soo uncomfortable.
translation: Look how big my tits are.

2. That guy over there keeps staring at my chest.
translation: You're sooo lucky to have a g/f with big tits, see, everyone wants me.

3. I wish my boobs were like <insert flat chested person's name>'s.
translation: Ha! My tits pwn her tits.

4. I need a new bra but there's no point in me going to M&S.
translation: Ha! My tits pwn Marks and Spencer.

5. I'll have to take a size 10 and a size 14 bikini into the changing room, to mix and match.
translation: My tits are so magnificent, they're practically illegal!

5. This bra is so tight, it fitted perfectly just last month.
translation: Omgwtfbbq!!1one! I'm 23 and my tits are still growing, you're so lucky.

Women, I know they're big, I know they look hawt but please to be shutting the fuck up about them unless we're having sex or are about to have sex, k.

Thanks :dry: