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View Full Version : Linux running suse live....

01-30-2005, 01:21 AM
if i get the live disc to boot...and run....
can i make the assumption that system will take to linux just fine?
i havent seen anything about driver errors or nothing like that...
but hey i'm new to this stuff :P
and i know the network drivers are fine becasue i'm posting this :P
is there anything i should be checking out while i'm running the live disc?

01-30-2005, 04:35 AM
from 1 linux noob to another try some usb devices and firewire to see if they work.I'm having some issues with mandrake.I also tried knoppix live .Had to use a shortcut to get the mouse to work on my laptop...Good luck

01-30-2005, 06:41 AM
well the only things i got on USB are an external drive and my printer
i dont wanna have probs with the external, that would suck
but the printer can always go to a parallel port, no biggie
thanks for the heads up, will check em out tomorrow :)

01-31-2005, 01:32 AM
I'm pretty sure that if you have no problems with the live disc then the real thing will work.
Most hardware will have drivers already there, you can also download linux driversfor a lot of your hardware too. :)

02-05-2005, 07:14 AM
okie dokie.....I DID IT! WOOHOO! :lol:

runnin Suse 9.1 Pro, installed on the HDD and all :01:
everything looks OK so far, but still need to play around with it
seems at first glance it got all my hardware too
only thing is it didnt have native drivers for ATi, only nVidia :dry:
now i just gotta see if windows didnt crash, lmao