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View Full Version : UK Nova

Dubber Dan
02-01-2005, 02:07 PM
I've used this site (http://www.uknova.com) a few times for getting hold of UK TV programs but it now doesn't recognise my log in details and si not open to the public.

Does anyone know if you now need invites to get access, and if so how can I get an invite?

02-01-2005, 02:12 PM
I've used this site (http://www.uknova.com) a few times for getting hold of UK TV programs but it now doesn't recognise my log in details and si not open to the public.

Does anyone know if you now need invites to get access, and if so how can I get an invite?

Have you tried this

02-01-2005, 02:17 PM
What's your username over there? I can check to see if your still on the user list if you want. If you're there you could contact the admin to sort things out.

If you're not then unfortunately the tracker is now private (limited to around 20k members) but they I assume they must cull the leechers and dead accounts so just keep trying I guess.

Dubber Dan
02-01-2005, 02:33 PM
Thanks Withchese, any help would be great :D My username is gonna be Dubber Dan or dubberdan (can't remember for sure and I'm at work at the mo so can't check.

I didn't use it much but when I did I always made sure to feed things I downloaded.

02-01-2005, 02:39 PM
I did a search for your name on the user lists but no joy. Perhaps you got deleted due to the account being inactive for a little while? :unsure:

I've been reading their forums trying to figure out how they take in new members but it's pretty unclear, maybe you'll just have to keep trying and get lucky. I'm looking at their stats and they still have a lot of leechers so I imagine they'll be getting rid of them soon so spaces should open up...


Dubber Dan
02-01-2005, 03:07 PM
Ok thanks for the help and I'll have to keep checking back.

Anyone got a good source for UK TV progs?

02-01-2005, 03:12 PM
Anyone got a good source for UK TV progs?
Searching for specifics on Torrentspy is about the best I know of for that.

It's a shame about UKNova as I wanted to join up there too, I've been checking back there for a little over a fortnight, on and off. So if anyone notices that they're opening signups again, let us know :D