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View Full Version : No guns in Counter Strike.

02-05-2005, 07:54 AM
Hi guys,
afrien lend me a few CDs with games and stuff, and in one came a demo called Counter Strike: Opposing Force, Ok, everything seemed fine untill the aliens started coming out and I just had no guns, nothing, not even a freaking knife like the other CS Game. lol, I freaked out.I mean, the aliens have these big and long fingers, I felt like in The War Of The Worlds...
...anyway, the thing is I can't find the way to get any gun,
has anyone tried this demo? and knows how to get a gun?
is ths demo of an old game?

...hey, by the way, I was just playing Alien Vs Predator (came on the CDs too) and as the game is too dark (as my room at this time), I went a long way when from no where a freaking Alien came out, Damn! I got so scared...

02-05-2005, 08:49 AM
if you think AvP is scary, check out AvP2 (aliens versus predators 2), in my opinion AVP2 is a classic and one of the scarriest games i've played right up there with doom3, silent hill series, and resident evil, and even system shock. as for the gun thing for opposing force, you should have COUGH COUGH a crowbar. if not then just type in:


then load the game from a previous checkpoint, then type in:

"impulse 101"

should do the trick (and if that doesn't work then sorry, i guess my memory can't go that far back w/o having to look at gamespot).

02-05-2005, 12:28 PM
it sounds like your first time gaming? or are you just faking this? Lol

02-05-2005, 07:41 PM
lol.... "Cpt", thanks I'll try that right away.

and "Shiranai", actualy I fell bad to admit it but Yes, Im relatively new to PC gaming, inpart due to the lack of a good computer... this one can do the trick but I just need a good video card, I might get an ATI in a few days, then, I will try NFSU2, and I also want to try Call Of Duty and of course, all the StarWars Games.

02-05-2005, 08:42 PM
lol.... "Cpt", thanks I'll try that right away.

and "Shiranai", actualy I fell bad to admit it but Yes, Im relatively new to PC gaming, inpart due to the lack of a good computer... this one can do the trick but I just need a good video card, I might get an ATI in a few days, then, I will try NFSU2, and I also want to try Call Of Duty and of course, all the StarWars Games.

An 'ATI' can be a great card and it can be a shit card. Make sure you have a look around and ask any questions in Hardware world before buying something. If you only play games every now and again and don't mind putting new games settings down an ATI 9600 Pro is a cheap card. Don't expect it to preform well with new games though.