View Full Version : is kazaa still around

02-05-2005, 10:37 PM
hi all

i used to have kazaa lite ++ 2.44 until nov 2004 when an apparent fault with the program cropped up and i was no longer able to start kazaa i formatted my hd and downloaded many kazaa programs from various sites which all ended in tears with the same error ( i love kazaa) i have just downloaded a copy of kaza++2.4 after giving up on kl++ mid dec 04 i have just installed it and the program started with no errors except i am unable to connect to the internet my question is is the kazaa network shutdown , i know that there was a lot of problems with sharmen
or are there people still using kazaa++ any help or an explaination would make my day as i would love to know what if anything has/had happened

02-05-2005, 10:44 PM
No, the Kazaa network (known as fasttrack) has not been shut down, its most likley a problem with your internet connection (router, firewall) or your copies of Kazaa. In our Kazaa lite section we have links to *working* versions of the program and many guides to help you with the program. I susgest you sign up and post your problem in the Kazaa section as you will get many users who are far more experienced with the program offering their help.

02-06-2005, 12:20 AM
There's way too many viruses/trojans and fake/corrupt files on the kazaa network anyway.
I'd start looking into newer p2p programs like ares, emule, and bittorrent. Bittorrent is the best for new vmovies, albums, programs, etc. Emule has a wide range of stuff but mainly old(er) things. Ares is a lot like kazaa lite but there aren't many fake files on it (i use it for single music files[not albums]).

02-06-2005, 02:11 AM
If you decide to stick with KL++ you should first try to update the Supernodes which can be done with THIS (http://www.sharemation.com/realitysponge/kazaalite243e_Updates_(From_FileSharingTalk.com).rar?uniq=-bvob59) or through other methods metioned in the KL section...

Enjoy The Board.

02-06-2005, 09:23 PM
limewire is also great

02-07-2005, 05:22 AM
Kazaa is still alive. Although the network is kinda screwed. Anywayz, try out K-Lite 2.7 at http://www.my-k-lite.com Its the newest version of clean Kazaa with a whole bunch of new features. Its in dev too. In fact, a new version was just released today/yesterday.

Morning Dew
02-08-2005, 04:03 AM
Kazaa is still alive. Although the network is kinda screwed. Anywayz, try out K-Lite 2.7 at http://www.my-k-lite.com Its the newest version of clean Kazaa with a whole bunch of new features. Its in dev too. In fact, a new version was just released today/yesterday.

I just tryed that link and my PG wouldn't let me link to it..Does that mean that is a trap? I might just be alittle over cautions...I'd love to get it back..but it I have tryed everything.

I lost my Kazaa-lite ++ when my hard drive crashed and I haven't been able to get it back. I finally got my PG 1.99 back..Thank goodness! I love you people...I don't know what I'd do without PG. Peace~

02-08-2005, 05:06 AM
Get KLite HERE (http://www.filemirrors.com/search.src?type=begins&file=klitekpp243e.exe) then install THIS (http://www.sharemation.com/realitysponge/kazaalite243e_Updates_(From_FileSharingTalk.com).rar?uniq=-bvob59) if you still want to use it...

02-08-2005, 07:41 AM
If I were you, I'd seriously ditch Kazaa and start looking at these easy to use programs:


And if you are really into downloading/uploading and want things really really fast, I highly recommend checking out Newsgroups, check to see if your ISP supports it or not.

02-08-2005, 06:21 PM
Take KCeasy, it's Kazaa network, LimeWire network, and another one!

02-08-2005, 08:01 PM
Take KCeasy, it's Kazaa network, LimeWire network, and another one!
Get the latest KCEasy here if you want...

02-20-2005, 03:03 PM
Kazaa 1337 Pack revision 5 (55mb) is up on http://legion.i2p you can access it by running an i2p node (I'd suggest the inproxy however after testing it, the dumb thing doesn't work, the operators node must be offline, outdated, broken). If you haven't checked out the kazaa 1337 pack before and are a klite user you probably will want to check it out, infact anyone that is considering doing a new install of klite should at least check it out.

The site also hosts other great downloads and information.

Perhaps development of kazaa related tools, etc should be continued on i2p? There are i2p only based jabber servers for discussing development and whatever. In addition there is irc servers which are faster and have less lag, but are not i2p only.

Since i2p version 0.5 works so well, I think it's ready for thousands or more filesharers. Though the i2p devs would rather most people wait until 1.0 I really think it's ready now for the millions of filesharers to join and run i2p nodes.

It already has bittorrent filesharing and a few trackers.

It's true that previous versions of i2p had issues and were not ready for lots of users. However I feel that is no longer the case.

Only issue with i2p is that it isn't super noob friendly, it does take some inital thought to configure (though the install process is painless).

I2p-bt before version 0.1.7 was broken and could not be used with python 2.4, however 0.1.7 does work with it.

Running a i2p node doesn't hog ones internet connection and will not interfere with regular webrowsing and most networking. Though playing online games isn't recommended while running a node (due to lag), but then again that's true with most filesharing and online gaming.

Ideally I'd recommend using bittorrent over i2p rather than standard p2p like klite.

02-20-2005, 05:46 PM
Link is currently not working...

02-20-2005, 10:09 PM
http://legion.i2p is an i2p site, meaning that you have to be running i2p in order to access it (like the post above mentioned!), duh. Imagine that. Once running i2p, simply point your webrowser to port 4444 at Then you can access the site. All .i2p sites are like this, duh it's good to know ;)

02-21-2005, 01:26 PM
I2p us gay.