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View Full Version : psu and mouse?

02-12-2005, 12:20 AM
ok i installed my new 480 watt power supply, my pc booted up good and looked great with the new blue leds, but now my wireless mouse and keyboard are acting goofy, i shut down and unpluged them and pulged them back in a few times, my keyboard is working good now but the mouse is really jerky and hard to handel, so i plugged in a usb mouse and its working nice. i plugged in my wierless mouse with out the ps2 adapter so it was usb and it worked a little better but its still jerky.

im going to install the mouse drivers now and see what that does.

but how could a power supply effect a mouce theres almost no connection between them??

btw specs are

Athlon 2500 xp @ 2.2
Abit NF7-S V2
Geforce 6800 GT
WD 80gb hdd
512 PC3200 Ram
Windows XP corp SP2

02-12-2005, 12:24 AM
i'm sure it's a driver or battery problem with the mouse.

02-12-2005, 12:32 AM
i changed the batteries right away

02-12-2005, 12:33 AM
My (wireless) keyboard acts all fucked without the drivers and as the batteries run out it starts getting fucked. My (wired) optical mouse however needs no drivers and have no problems.

02-12-2005, 12:38 AM
ok i updated drivers its still being a bitch!!!! im about ready to RMA this f00king powersupply back to newegg.

and get decient powersupply instead of a cheapo with good reviews :angry: :frusty: :no: :angry:

02-12-2005, 12:44 AM
try a different power supply then and see if u still have the problem...

02-12-2005, 01:14 AM
i just plugged in my 350 watt aspire that came with my case and the mouse is working fine. i dont know why a power supply of all things would cause mouse problems i will try my new psu agan tonight and hope it works.

02-12-2005, 01:56 AM
A couple of potential causes spring to mind.
One is that the +5v supply is a little low (that is the only voltage used).
The other is that the PSU is emitting some localised EMF radiation.

Use a hardware monitor to compare voltages, if there isn't a significant difference I would suspect some radio interference. If the wireless keyboard/mouse are of the cheap variety they are probably particularly susceptible. Try moving the parts as far away from the psu as possible, to see if it makes any difference.

02-12-2005, 02:48 AM
+5 volatage was 5.4 and -5 was 4.9 according to the bios

i think it is the radiation, because i moved my wireless reciever to the other end of the desk and now its fine, i dont know about this PSU tho it was very cheap.


the keyboard/mouse are microsoft brand, and actually cost more then the power supply.

is it safe to have this radiation going through my pc?

i think i would be better off with a thermaltake or antec, im going to test this PSU out over the weekend and if i need to RMA it back on monday

02-12-2005, 02:49 PM
I had an Enermax power supply die on me a couple of years ago and when it died my PS2 mouse would not work right,I then plugged in my mouse threw the USB port and baddabing it worked perfect.Swapped out the PSU and it worked perfect threw PS2 port again.

02-12-2005, 08:12 PM
I once shortcircuited my ps2 ports somehow, when unplugging the keyboard without shutting down first.

The ports worked fine after, but the mouse and keyboard were completely screwed, they worked fine for a while, then the mouse could suddenly start acting really jerky, it even seemed to store up movements I made and sort of send them all out in a burst so it seemed as if my system had gone mental, and it clicked buttons randomly too.

My keyboard just shut down some times at bootup, so I'd have no keyboard from time to time.

But unless you did that, and there were sparks or something, it's prolly interference.