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02-16-2005, 08:41 PM
Do you buy it?

Shit defense or valid point that warrants further study?

02-16-2005, 08:53 PM
I don't believe in the case that has just been decided that Zoloft was to blame, the evidence pointed to a calm, thought out, calculated action. ( from what i know of the case)
However i do honestly think that there is a case for further research to see if under some circumstances with other factors involved the drug could have an adverse mental affect, just as using testosterone can make one more aggressive.

02-17-2005, 02:10 AM
I don't believe in the case that has just been decided that Zoloft was to blame, the evidence pointed to a calm, thought out, calculated action. ( from what i know of the case)
However i do honestly think that there is a case for further research to see if under some circumstances with other factors involved the drug could have an adverse mental affect, just as using testosterone can make one more aggressive.
Making one more aggressive does not involve calculation.

It makes me sick that the family is pleading the boy's innocence.

The only other thing needed was video tape. It was the most absurd piece of crap. Zoloft. puh leaze :dry:

02-17-2005, 02:13 AM
Making one more aggressive does not involve calculation.

It makes me sick that the family is pleading the boy's innocence.

The only other thing needed was video tape. It was the most absurd piece of crap. Zoloft. puh leaze :dry:
read what i actually wrote

02-17-2005, 05:49 AM
read what i actually wrote
Why read it again? I agree with you. :huh:

02-24-2005, 12:18 AM
If you dig enough and read the fine print on any SSRI's.........you will find that 1% of users develop paranoia, delusions and psychosis. Lawyers are so busy these days taking on SSRI wrongful death cases that they haven't even started taking on the 'little cases' where lives have been disrupted with mental disorders due to these SSRI's.

In one SSRI I looked into....psychosis was right there alongside naseau in the possible side affects.

Can someone suffering from these disorders plan and calculate as this young man did? I think it is possible.

So as to your question, Busyman......I think it warrants further study. The sooner the better.

02-24-2005, 12:58 AM
Zoloft makes you do what exactly?

Perhaps it makes you psychic so you can know what this poll is about?:unsure:

02-24-2005, 01:24 AM
Sorry, WithCheese.....here is a bit of the case in question.News story (http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/02/15/zoloft.trial/)

02-24-2005, 01:30 AM
Zoloft makes you do what exactly?

Perhaps it makes you psychic so you can know what this poll is about?:unsure:
Maybe he's a hypnotist.

Zoloft is a pretty mystic sounding name...

02-24-2005, 02:09 AM
Zoloft makes you do what exactly?

Perhaps it makes you psychic so you can know what this poll is about?:unsure:
Sorry man. This is one instance I should have tried a copy and paste. :(

02-28-2005, 02:32 PM
zoloft has reportedly made hundreds of people homicidal

02-28-2005, 05:13 PM
If we carry on like this, it will turn out that every murderer, criminal, violent git, rapist, sadist, and child molester will be rummaging in their medicine cabinet to find an excuse for their crimes....

Ultimately I believe (with absolutely no evidence whatsoever) that the overwhelming majority of people are to blame for their actions and should take personal responsibility.

I get a little pissed off with the amount of lame excuses for bad behaviour...just because these people have problems is not a good enough reason to pat them on the head and say 'there there, its ok that you just beat up that old lady to get her purse....you've had a bad upbringing, its not your fault...bless' .

02-28-2005, 05:27 PM
zoloft has reportedly made hundreds of people homicidal
...and the electric chair reportedly kills hundreds of homicidal people......

02-28-2005, 05:46 PM
ever heard of the saying - if the player plays bad, sack the player. if all the players play bad, sack the manager.

02-28-2005, 06:06 PM
Unless a substance makes you completely disconnected from the world around you, it shouldn't prevent you from at least having an inkling of what you are doing.

Besides, if a drug flukks you up that bad then you shouldn't have taken it in the first place.

Use drugs by all means, but don't blame them if you fuck up while under the influence, you chose to take them in the first place.

(Unless someone slipped them in your drink, hmm)

02-28-2005, 06:19 PM
I think causal implications such as substance use for genuine medical reasons are not essentially a just reason to "get away with murder" however it should be taken into account when it comes to punishment.
If someone has a mental condition that requires medication and that medication had an adverse effect then the punishment should involve treatment and not just punishment.
This does of course depend on ones opinion as to if it should just be punishment or rehabilitation as well

02-28-2005, 06:23 PM
A modern reinterperitation of the Twinkie defense.