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02-16-2005, 11:34 PM
I'm looking for the "Monkey's Audio" program for mp3s. Monkey's Audio only compresses .wav files, and I need something for mp3. I have a major ton to compress so I could use 2-3 DVDs to back them all up rather than 5-6.

02-16-2005, 11:38 PM
I'm looking for the "Monkey's Audio" program for mp3s. Monkey's Audio only compresses .wav files, and I need something for mp3. I have a major ton to compress so I could use 2-3 DVDs to back them all up rather than 5-6.

Im quire sure MP3 is already compressed and if u do compress them ur compressing folders, text ect so i dont think thers any point.

02-17-2005, 12:10 AM
iTunes compresses MP3s pretty well i suppose....pretty user friendly too

02-17-2005, 12:21 AM
nero is great for that kinda thing, really easy to use and can do them in batches aswell

02-17-2005, 12:50 AM
You're better to leave them like they are. Are you really worried about the cost of a DVD or 2?

02-17-2005, 02:01 AM
I'm looking for the "Monkey's Audio" program for mp3s. Monkey's Audio only compresses .wav files, and I need something for mp3. I have a major ton to compress so I could use 2-3 DVDs to back them all up rather than 5-6.

MP3 is already a compressed format. You can only make it smaller by dropping the quality of the mp3 or using crapper formats.

02-17-2005, 03:21 AM
Nero does it... pretty easy to convert to mp3 using it.

02-17-2005, 11:18 PM
well, is there software that Converts the mp3s to .wav and then compresses it with a MonkeyAudio method? I thought Wav has options of bitrate too.. compression, but yet.. another method useing moneky's audio for some reason.

02-17-2005, 11:41 PM
Mp3 is a codec, which means that in order for MonkeyAudio to compress music files to smaller mp3s it will have to use a lower bitrate, meaning lower quality.

It does not matter which program you use to decode to WAV and recode to mp3, the final result will always be lower quality even if you re-encode at a higher bitrate.
To explain this, think of your original song file as a paper bag; if you crumple this bag and then open it again (which is what you do when you make an mp3 then play it) you will see that although it is recognisably still a paper bag, it's not in such wonderful condition - there are creases and tighter you crumple it (or the lower the bitrate of an mp3) the more creases there are.
You could say that the quality of this paper bag has degraded.
Now, if you then compress this same paper bag, then re-open it again, you'll see that there are even more creases - it has degraded even more.
This is exactly how mp3 compression works... the data is compressed and quality is lost. The more you compress it (by using a lower bitrate) the smaller the file, but the more quality is lost.
Uncomprerssing mp3 files will not get back the quality that is lost because the data is not there!
Just like crumpling a paper bag that has been crumpled once, re-compressing mp3s will reduce quality even more because you are compressing a file that is of a lower quality than the original. if you take an mp3 that has been encoded at 128k and uncompress it, all you have is an uncompressed audio file that has the audio quality of a 128k mp3... so if you then compress it at 320k (very high quality) you'll end up with a much larger file than you started with but that is of slightly lower quality.

And the upshot of this is... leave your fucking mp3s as they are, OK?

02-18-2005, 09:55 AM
u can use SteamBox ripper to change thier bitrate but ull lose unnoticable effcits from the song.
but the program is lil bit hard to find, i can send ya if u want.

02-18-2005, 09:37 PM

02-20-2005, 07:04 PM
well Winrar barely compresses .mp3s, but it still does something to shrink the size. I wonder if theres some expensive software out there that can compress em even tighter than WinRAR's method. Does something to shrink those files for sure....

02-20-2005, 07:09 PM
How much do your blank DVDs cost?

02-20-2005, 07:11 PM
there's no way you can shrink the file sizes without reducing the quality - just burn the extra DVDs, they're hardly expensive