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View Full Version : Kid sues Kazaa, Sony over poor quality

02-17-2005, 10:41 PM
Kazaa and Sony music are once again embattled in a bitter lawsuit, only this time it's not against each other. A fourtenn year old unsatisfied with the quality of songs he downloads off Kazaa has launched a multi-million dollar class action suit against music giant Sony and filesharing company Kazaa. The plaintiff is seeking punitive damages due to poor quality of the mp3's he dowloads.

Snotty nosed brat Max Donelly claims "I downloaded a Korn song and the quality was horrible. This is bullshit man, my hoarse-throat grandmother playing the accordian screaming at the top of her lungs sounds better than this, what the hell is up with that?"

The plaintiff is claiming punitive damages and retribution for all the potential CD purchases that weren't made beacuse of Kazaa. Why Sony is included in this lawsuit remains unclear, but insiders believe Sony produces CD's which don't produce quality mp3 files.

Donelly claims that low recording levels on his latest download, Linkin Park's 'Crawling', is what made him decide to take action. "Look, I've got dial up internet and it takes me 30 minutes to download a song, so I expect quality when I open that file. That's 30 minutes of my life wasted on something that I can hardly hear. Sometimes the songs are even incomplete, and it pisses me off!"

Sony chief-of-staff Ron Donaldson says this lawsuit is 'absolutely ridiculous'. "This 12 year old punk has the nerve to not only steal our music, but then sue us because the quality isn't as good as the paid product. Unbelievable."

The Kazaa legal team has refused to comment on the issue, but analysts predict that with much of Kazaa's consumers shopping at I-Tunes, this lawsuit will probably break the filesharing giant.

Unemployed 38 year old Web jockey Rusty Roads hints that he too may join in on this lawsuit. "Kazaa hasn't done anything to ensure a quality product," Roads says from his parents basement in Wyoming, "A few times I downloaded what was supposed to be Megadeth songs but turned out to be viruses. You know how much quality downloading time I've lost fixing these viruses and deleting poor mp3 files?" Roads went on to say that Hollywood may be next if the quality movie downloads don't start shaping up.

There was a time when the music industry feared the digital music revolution would be the end of paid music for good. Who would have thought they were right?

OMG :lol:


02-17-2005, 11:01 PM
I seriously hope that's satire IKE, but I've a feeling it isn't. :huh:

While it's great to see action against the music industry, this kid is missing some fecking common sense. Either that or a connection to reality.

The article got it right - He is a snotty-nosed brat :dry:

02-18-2005, 12:15 AM
Well, take a look at the front page of that site....


02-18-2005, 12:45 AM

Okay, you caught me not following the link :) Was a little busy when I originally read it :)

EDIT: Still, you have to admit it isn't that impossible ;)

02-21-2005, 04:53 AM

02-26-2005, 01:16 PM
i never understand americas rule, why the feck people sue each other in every corner for stupid matters. i guess money turst in america is more then any where.
there was an episode of Seinfeld where kerimier sues coffy compeny for there tea being hot :wtf:, i didnt belive it but more and more i see these kinds of stupid lawsuits.
next what, a kid sues mom for giving him/her birth?

02-26-2005, 04:04 PM
I think this is a great step toward legal-filesharing. In history there have been many outrageous attempts by individuals that eventually turned out good. This lawsuit might be so obscure, that he just might win. It makes me laugh everytime I think about it, haha!

02-26-2005, 06:05 PM
WTF its illegal to be downloading music neway right...so how the F*** is he going to sue for downloading illegal stuff and it not being quality? And what does sony have to with any of this???

02-26-2005, 07:58 PM
Don't you people realize that it's a joke? Look at the site! :rolleyes:

Bawa: WTF is your problem? Seinfeld is a TV show, as in, made up. Since when does a sitcom represent how a society actually functions? Stop being do damned uptight and laugh a little.

Darth Sushi
02-26-2005, 09:41 PM
http://www.thegreenrabbit.ca/images/GreenRabbit/suekazaa.jpg can anyone believe a picture like that? :lol:

02-27-2005, 02:44 AM
Don't you people realize that it's a joke? Look at the site! :rolleyes:

Bawa: WTF is your problem? Seinfeld is a TV show, as in, made up. Since when does a sitcom represent how a society actually functions? Stop being do damned uptight and laugh a little.

that tv show was a simple examples, i heared from lots of people about simmiler lawsuites also saw few of them on Tv magazines.

02-27-2005, 05:54 PM
Oh, so you heard from lots of people and read on tv magazines, so they MUST be true. C'mon dude, gimme a break.

02-27-2005, 06:09 PM
so your trying to say all ur tv magazines r bullsh1t and a big lie?
serioucly is this is what a democratic country's about, how can u guys live with ur self and everyday living with a fear of being sued for doing notting, we live much worryless in "non-democratic" country... atleast we dont get sued for redicules matters.
ever saw at ur schools.... a principle cant dare to suspend a student in fear of being sued, they cant take any action before walking thro courts.

02-27-2005, 07:23 PM
Oh, so you heard from lots of people and read on tv magazines, so they MUST be true. C'mon dude, gimme a break.
FFS, we all know it's common practice in the US to sue over the smallest thing.

Junk Food makes me fat? /sue
I could cut my arm off with this chainsaw and it didn't say so in the manual? /sue

It is, in the words of BusyMan (I think), "litigation central".

There's really no denying that.

03-07-2005, 06:19 AM
Yes, in the states you could be sued for anything.
When I had jury duty awhile back the defence made a point almost every time to quickly point out that all you needed was $50 to sue anyone for anything. I could even sue if someone looked at me funny.

03-07-2005, 11:00 PM
Just because you CAN sue someone, doesn't mean you are going to win.

03-08-2005, 02:18 AM
wining or losing is not what we're talking about, sueing for small things is the issue.

03-08-2005, 03:27 AM
The RIAA put him up to it.

03-08-2005, 11:20 PM
If you sue for a small thing and lose, what's the issue? The judge throws the case out and that's it. You're mad because your small, opressed country doesn't give you such freedom.

03-09-2005, 12:04 AM
I think i'll sue my drug dealer for the bad pot he sold me. I didnt get as high as i was supposed to.

03-09-2005, 01:28 AM
This one is original. huh huh
But joking or not, paying for a downloaded song that has poor quality is one thing but the song has virus? that's serious stuff.