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View Full Version : Bittorent

04-03-2003, 03:46 PM
Wow just installed bittorrnet to check out what its like - started dowloading a file and after maybe a minute the download speed was around 200kb/s!!!
I've gotten that kind of speed on kazaa before, but not on emule which i use so i don't get errors. Anyone know if bittorrent has error correction?

04-03-2003, 05:15 PM
it has. and it can resume downloads. but errors can happen, but it is very rare. i personally have never had an error in a download from BT. (but i have heard of others who have.)

04-04-2003, 02:14 PM
have to say - BT is really good - been using it for 24hours - downloaded about 5GB (games) - only using it intermittantly. Only problem is finding pages with torrents.

04-05-2003, 12:26 AM
Yeah stoi finally sold me on it, though the best site apparently got hacked and it down, but it is pretty spiffy as a utility, only it seems best to work best if k-lite is turned off.


04-05-2003, 01:53 AM
Yeah, Bittorent is really fast, but it's only good for popular and recent files, wich a lot of ppl download, 'cause U can only downlaod off someone else if they leave the Bittorent window open.....so it's no good for old files.

04-19-2007, 05:36 PM
Wow, was this thread made when BT just came out, or was this started when BT was starting to be used for "EVIL"?