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View Full Version : Program to utilize ram for games better....

02-21-2005, 08:18 PM
I play Call of Duty online all the time. I have 512 ram and a 3ghz p4. When the games get towards 25-35 players in all it lags like hell and my ping goes really high - 500,600+. My normal pings are around 50-80. Anyway, are there any programs than help utilized ram better for games. I dled memturbo but cant figure out the cache tunning. Thanks!

02-22-2005, 12:23 AM
TBH I don't think your ram or spec would affect your ping times, are you sure its lag? You might also check to see if maybe some other program is trying to download updates maybe windows update itself, I use enditall before doing any memory hungry processes like video encoding or online playing, this has two benefits it kills programs that might try to update during a process and it frees up the ram by killing programs that don't need to be running, its quite hard to find sometimes because the download moves about, I think its something to do with the writer of the app not owning it or something along them lines but pm me if u need it. :)

02-22-2005, 12:56 AM
It's probably jsut that your internet is to slow to handle the positions of all those players, or that the server is lagging from having that many people on the game. ;)

02-22-2005, 04:05 AM
yea, but i ask other people and they aren't experiencing the lagg while I am. They have high pings as well but they aren't lagging. Its weird.. so i figured it was my computer. What is END ALL?

EDIT: I gather from google that enditall is no longer available for free. I found it on emule and am downloading v2 right now.

Does it only end applications, or also processes? I make sure to close everything running before playing, but there are still processes.

peat moss
02-22-2005, 07:13 AM
Enditall is hard to find these days eh! How about tweaking hardware profile ?

link: http://www.tweakxp.com/article139886.aspx

02-22-2005, 10:32 PM
You probably know by now that it kills the processes aswell if you've finished d/loading it, can you clear up what you mean by lagging m8? do you mean that your shooting at things and thier not hitting or do you mean the screen is jerky? I play typhoon rising with upto 150 players, theres a transmit and recieve light (green/red) which now and again flashes up red but only for a short time, maybe on C.o.D it only refreshes your ping times every say 30 secs so if at that moment your ping was 500ms it will look like thats your ping time until it refreshes, try pressing the talk button followed by tttttt and return and count how long before your message appears on the screen, thats how I test for lag rather than checking the ping time. With the spec u have there without knowing your video card I imagine it will be ok if u already have a decent ram and cpu you should be playing c.o.d without probs, my m8's play it on half that spec. If it is because of mem enditall will certainly help.
Oh and another point is that some servers will try and even up the ping times if theres a lot of folk with slow connections so try and stick to servers that are geographically near you and that boots ppl with high ping times.
Cruel but neccasary to get some decent online gaming. :D

02-23-2005, 02:16 AM
EDIT: I gather from google that enditall is no longer available for free. I found it on emule and am downloading v2 right now.

Got a link mate?...I couldnt find it on the Mule

peat moss
02-23-2005, 02:21 AM
Got a link mate?...I couldnt find it on the Mule
I could send via yousendit ? I kept it because it was getting so hard to find.

bottom one . The alternate download one .I removed the exe. link I posted by mistake


02-23-2005, 02:52 AM
nvm :blushing:

peat moss
02-23-2005, 03:32 AM
nvm :blushing:
NVM what ? It's a freeware site , I changed the link . :D

02-23-2005, 06:55 PM
Click on "GameXP". :)


02-23-2005, 08:58 PM
Enditall2 is only a 745kb file so if any1's struggling I don't mind emailing it.