View Full Version : My friend wants me to make him a site...

02-24-2005, 02:29 AM
Hey said if i can make him a sweet site for his band he will give me 100$

This will be a total noobie experience, i am not to bad in photoshop, but have NO idea what goes into making a site.

I need a host, one thats free. It needs a upload limit thats atleast 5mb. As for hosting space it dosnt really matter. Would i use front page to make the site? If so then i need a site that supports frontpage.

How does frontpage get my site onto the site anyway?

Anyway i really need some help, be patient with me :D

I probally wont awnser till tommorow, i need to get some sleep, i got a few tests tommorow.

Thanks ALOT in advance :D

02-24-2005, 03:59 AM
ill do the wholething if you give me $50

02-24-2005, 04:19 AM
FrontPage sucks. DreamWeaver is a nice HTML editor. Thats what I use. Erm, u probably want a site with FTP access, little (or no) ads and goodbandwidth. Dont got any on the top of my head though. :lol: But when u actually make the site, dont use too many flash, gif animations, colors and shit. Makes it look all corny and crap.

02-24-2005, 01:33 PM
Front page is crap. Dreamweaver is better.
Would be best to do it by hand instead of with an editor program but since you don't know how i guess dreamweaver will be best for you.

02-24-2005, 09:59 PM
Alrite thanks :D Im not going to use alot of flash stuff if any. Now for a host. I need a host that supports dreamweaver and whatnot. I Dont really need over 50mb of hosting, as long as i can upload pictures and such.

And how does dreamweaver get my page on the internet?

02-24-2005, 10:16 PM
To be honest it will be better to give some of the $100 from here to a member and have them make it. Making a website is not hard, making a website look good is. Maybe someone like Sparsley (who's site looks fucking great) would make one for you for a certain ammount. That way you make an easy profit for doing nothing, your mate gets a good website and Sparsley gets to show of his great skills and make some money.

02-24-2005, 10:19 PM
I have no way of sending him the money, i dont own a credit card.

ITs not like im in a hurry, ill take me a while but with a little help ill eventually do it.
