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View Full Version : Running more than 1 bittorrent client at a time?

02-28-2005, 08:03 AM
I'm currently using Shareaza bittorrent client to DL torrents, and it usually works great. Today I've been DLing a file that apparently has many users DLing on surely various different clients (Azureus, Bit tornado, etc.) but although it shows 20 sources (there should be MANY more than this) it only lists two, and they are both using shareaza. It is a .rar file.

At the same time I'm DLing another file and it shows lists sources from various different clients like the ones I've mentioned above. What gives?!?

I'm thinking of DLing another bittorent client, but I'm in mid-download and I don't want to stop these DLs. How will my PC determine whether to open torrents in shareaza or the other clinet I install?

02-28-2005, 09:56 AM
Its possible to use multiple clients. but you need to use different ports.

You should try Azureus for torrents. Shareaza isnt that good for bittorrent

if you have more then 1 bittorrent client you can right click the torrent and choose open with.. then choose the client you wanna use.