View Full Version : GTA3 Myth ripped Version Where Save Game Fix

03-19-2005, 04:54 PM
I have downloaded gta3 ripped version but whenever i try to load a saved game it doesn't work. I heard there is a save game fix but i cannot find it. I have tried kazza ,google and ares but cannot locate it. Can anyone help.


03-19-2005, 05:13 PM
Trying to find a patch/crack/fix on kazaa is a death wish. Also yes there is a fix, but why not just get the full ISO's. The game with all the videos, music and everything is just under 1gb large.

03-19-2005, 06:47 PM
Trying to find a patch/crack/fix on kazaa is a death wish. Also yes there is a fix, but why not just get the full ISO's. The game with all the videos, music and everything is just under 1gb large.

the only thing taken from the myth rip is the radio, everything else is there.

and yes theres a savegame fix on kazza, most are viruses, u can try though

03-19-2005, 09:09 PM
yeah i managed to find it and its working i would like to get the full game iso but torrentspy doesn't have it and if i try and download it from iso hunt it never connects.

silent h3ro
03-20-2005, 01:00 AM
theres a savegame fix on kazza, most are viruses, u can try though

I have tried kazza