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03-29-2005, 09:52 PM
wow i feel like a nerd talking about my favorite books... but whatever.
first blood- (can't remember who wrote it)
the stand- steven king
tales of the otori- lian hearn
long walk- steven king/david bachman
the running man- steven king/david bachman

any one else? dont worry i wont tell anyone that you read books ;)

03-30-2005, 12:29 AM
Some of the best I've read (no particular order):
1. Catcher in the Rye-J. D. Salinger [Best school book read]
2. Soldier X-Don Wulffson [Young adult, I still loved it, I highly recommend it as a ficticous WWII novel]
3. Star Wars: Vector Prime- R. A. Salvatore [What? I like Star Wars...]
4. Star Wars: Rebel Dream- Aaron Allston [I love his humor]
5. Band of Brothers- Stephen E. Ambrose [I admire these guys]