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View Full Version : omg, teh SC:CT is here =|

03-30-2005, 07:25 AM
First off, I have to say this, so I'll just go ahead and say it. This game puts every game that has ever come out for the Xbox to shame. This game puts every game that has ever come out for any console to shame (ya, including PC buddy). And I would also like to take the time to say that the reviewer over at Gamespot is a sissy dumbass who doesn't know Art if it came and hit him in the penis, but of course, he doesn't have one (stupid MGS fanboy, hey I like MGS too...but 8.6? That's just idiotic).

Here's a trailer I watched b4 i went and got it (got me all hyped):


Now off to play some well deserved co-op greatness (I'm on the second level in SP and so far I've seen some graphics that puts the PC to shame :pinch: , and I thought Half Life 2, Halo2, and Doom3 were good....they all suck compared to this).

edit: yes it's supposed to be out March 31st, but go to your local EB and u'll see otherwise (damn ppl in the states had this game yesterday, like wtf :blink: )

03-30-2005, 07:30 AM
God of War, highest rated game so far (well not includuding halo lol). Rated better then scct, and i have played scct. I agree, its a really really great game. To say it puts other games to shame is saying a little to much about this game.

You playing xbox or ps2 version?

EDIT: Also you can't say the story is better then MGS. ;) Come on :P


SCCT 9.9/10 Xbox Mag
SCCT 4.5/5 Gamepro
SCCT 9.6/10 IGN
SCCT 9.75/10 Gameinformer (r1)
SCCT 9.75/10 Gameinformer (r2)

God of War 5/5 Gamepro.
God of War 9.8/10 IGN
God of War 10/10 Gameinformer (r1)
God of War 10/10 Gameinformer (r2)

SCCT rates just below, so GOW is the best. SCCT is still a great game canit wait till it become availble online.

03-30-2005, 08:33 AM
I was talking about the Xbox version, and yes I will be getting GOW in 2 days time (looks insane and the reviews are sweet) 2 great games in 1 week :naughty: as for the story, MGS1 and MGS2 were really really really good and probably the only games where the player cared about the story, but honestly it's always find the big robot on the ship/warehouse thing :ph34r: Chaos Theory atleast tries, but I can care less about the story its the stealth action+graphics+sound that really make this game stand out. Overall, GOW is better, but when you can have both....these 2 games DO put almost any game that has come out on the Xbox (not PS2, there are many great titles for that but GOW owns em). to shame.

So simplified what I just said:

GOW = *almost* puts to shame any game on PS2 exceptions made for GTASA, GTAVC, MGS1, MGS2, GT3.

SC:CT = yup pretty much puts all games to shame on the xbox.

03-30-2005, 08:35 AM
also note:

The reason why these games got such high reviews (and they DO derserve em because GOW has been so long in production it's a work of art as well as SC:CT) is not only because they're fucking great/awesome. But because the Xbox and PS2's lives are coming to an end and if you do your research you'll see that there aren't "that" many titles coming up b4 the great powers unleash upon us the Xbox2 and PS3. And since PSP is here, Sony will be focusing more on that then PS2.

03-30-2005, 04:36 PM
I was using the rating for the xbox version of scct. hmm, off to work :(

03-30-2005, 08:56 PM
Just downloaded the demo, all i can say is DAMN! It has some awesome lighting and shadow effects, not to mention amazing graphics too. I'm surprised my system could play it with most settings high and AA on 1x (havent tried increasing yet) with no lag whatsoever.

However, i don't think i'll be buying/dling it, since i haven't played the other two (cept from demos)

03-30-2005, 11:03 PM
this is totallly diff. then the other 2, u dont need to know jack about the other 2. in fact this game (to me) is an entire new game, and I can't "connect" this to the other 2 games except for the title.

03-31-2005, 02:18 AM
DO NOT base SCCT on SC2. I think SC2 was the a very bad game. SCCT put both SC1&2 to shame.

03-31-2005, 02:39 AM
Splinter.Cell.Chaos.Theory.DVD5.XBOX-Allstars - In the DVD9 version there was both NTSC and PAL versions of every video, so the group removed the PAL videos to fit it into DVD5. This version works on my PAL box fine. ALso only the default.xbe isnt signed, the whole game is there. Its a stupid nuke, like when a movie is interlaced, the quality is still perfect but its nuked anyway.

03-31-2005, 02:59 AM
i have been downloading this game for 3 days now...!

and still at 82.1% hopefully it gets done tonite :)

03-31-2005, 05:44 AM
Meng ur a fewl....

03-31-2005, 05:50 AM
how the hell am i f00l you n00b?

oh man, i just love the shotgun attachment you can get for the SC20k now :D:D:D

ragdoll physics+shotgun to the head=fun for hours.

03-31-2005, 07:46 AM
does anyone want to play co-op?

04-01-2005, 02:03 AM
Looks cool, ive never played splinter cell before, but i like the looks of it. To bad im trading in my ps2 for the xbox version of BIA instead of this.

04-01-2005, 04:45 AM
too bad indeed