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04-01-2005, 02:42 PM
Hi, just a quick (and hopefully easier to answer question)

I was looking through my queue rankings on e-Mule plus the other day, and for some reason one of them said:

QR: 28 (-1267)

What does that mean? I've noticed them before with the number in brackets beside them - usually a (-x) but sometimes a (+x) as well, and then in red (so that can't be good).

But anyway, I don't suppose someone could explain to me exactly what that means - I mean, presumably it's a good thing, it's in green and everything, but what does it actually mean?

Thanks a lot,


04-01-2005, 05:30 PM
Using your example, You have moved up 1267 places, to 28th in that person's queue.
Because you moved toward the front of the line, it gets displayed in green.

Obviously red means the opposite. You've gone backwards in that line.
Don't worry though, it's completely normal behaviour.

Other users will have better queue ranking modifiers because they've shared more with that client than you have.
Therefore they get preference in that queue, and you go back in line.

That's the way the eD2k network operates. Preferences are given on a client to client basis. People who share more, move through the queues faster.

This should answer any other questions you may have. (http://emule-project.net/home/perl/help.cgi?l=1)