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04-06-2003, 03:39 PM
Hi All

I was wondering if anyone has anything positive to say about this OS?
There's a document on kazaa that it takes 4 min to load and system commands are slow.
Is it like Win Linux?
Is it faster than Win Linux?

"The Avatar Man"
04-06-2003, 05:26 PM
I haven't tried it but you can get some info here
http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973...3,587751,00.asp (http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,587751,00.asp)

04-07-2003, 01:25 AM
the only positive thing i can say is it has just com out or at lest i think it has an i am dling it.

04-07-2003, 05:42 AM
I'ts been around for a year or so.

04-10-2003, 08:39 PM
oh i thought a new one has just come out, maybe not then

04-11-2003, 02:24 AM
Sounds like shit, windows and linux- how in hell can you fix that?
Drunken student have a haschsmoking idiot project that never gonna work.
And why want I linux in my windows? stupid, stupid.............

04-11-2003, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by Supernode@11 April 2003 - 03:24
Sounds like shit, windows and linux- how in hell can you fix that?
Drunken student have a haschsmoking idiot project that never gonna work.
And why want I linux in my windows? stupid, stupid.............
And why want i linux?
I'll tell you why.
Windows seems to be in 90+% of the comps in existance!
And we pay the price.
They take forever to come out with thier products.
lots of them suck.
And many times they don't want to give you any tech help(unless your willing to pay for it) even when you dl products on their site.
If they had any competition we would be running better,cheaper and faster operating systems.
But you knew that.
Everyone Does.

04-11-2003, 08:29 AM
Lindows have fame to be a OS with no stabilitie at all.
Maybe for an enterprise that wont like to pay alot of licences ,
and or not.................. Dont know this rare things that I wont tuch
Linux have stabilities and windows a bunch of software.
Lindows sounds nice but if you google about lindows you get
some information that makes it an alfa, or beta and needs
longer time to be stablil

04-11-2003, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@11 April 2003 - 07:38
Windows seems to be in 90+% of the comps in existance!

And do you know why?
Because the majority of people that have a PC will probably not even know about Linux. And, theres one basic fact about Windows, it is the easiest OS to use, far easier than Linux, which appeals to many people.

They take forever to come out with thier products.
lots of them suck.

Can you do better? Software developing is all about trial & error, and seen as MS are the largest OS developer, they're are bound to be a few cock ups along the way.

And many times they don't want to give you any tech help(unless your willing to pay for it) even when you dl products on their site.

I'm sure you'll be astonished to hear, all Linux distros will want payment for technical support.

04-11-2003, 04:00 PM
Linux is for advanced users to play with and windows is for your average computer user.
unless you have hours to spend learning to use linux it is not worth a look.

windows xp is a fantastic os, They manage to fit it onto one disc unlike most modern linux distros.
This means windows is probably very well coded.

Any os that is used on 90% of the worlds computers is gonna have a few flaws and somewhere in that 90% people are gonna notice it. that is why people piss on windows.

I have never had linux crash on me but i have KDE and Gnome do it too many times to count. windows is only a nice gui that sits on top of dos just like these do on the linux kernel.

What linux became very popular for is its versatility. since you can strip it down to a bare bones os it can be used from everything from mobile phones to supercomputers.

Linux has a long way to go to even compete with windows in the homemarket but It will trounce windows and unix for that matter in the server and supercomputer market.

04-11-2003, 09:14 PM
I'm not talking strictly about linux.
Linux is difficult!
They go too far out of the way not to be like microsoft.
Even simple logicaly named things such as the control panel are called something completely different :blink:
Again microsoft(for all intents and purposes) is the only operating systems available
Bill wants this to stay that way!!!!!!FOREVER
To be shure they don't want people to experiment with other operating systems and there are lawsuits filed by Mr. Gates against EVERY other operating system in existance including LINUX,WINLINUX,RED HAT,and LINDOWS.
Is anyone aware of this? :ph34r:
I don't know about you but this pisses me off !:angry:
You will wait on microsoft because there's no other choice.
Can you imagine how much better XP would be if they had to compete?
not just xp but all of their os's!
What about that piece of CRAP Win ME?

04-12-2003, 02:19 AM
Oh yeah !
I read these boards for a while before I ever posted anything. B)
And most of you were tearin' bill gates to shreds from time to time.
Now I think some of you are on BILL'S payrole :ph34r:
Ah Ha!