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04-02-2005, 12:22 AM
this has probably been done a million time before, but y dont lounge posts get counted? my posts at the minute stand at 34 or something but counting the lounge it's about 100, (because there is more interesting things to talk about in the lounge) i only been here a couple of days but i think it would be alot better if lounge posts counted aswell.

04-02-2005, 12:28 AM
this has probably been done a million time before, but y dont lounge posts get counted? my posts at the minute stand at 34 or something but counting the lounge it's about 100, (because there is more interesting things to talk about in the lounge) i only been here a couple of days but i think it would be alot better if lounge posts counted aswell.
Yep, been talked about a million times before.....

Won't count and I like it that way personally...

04-02-2005, 12:28 AM
People having a bit of a laugh shouldn't be encouraged. People saying Half Life 2 is 'teh suck' is far more worthwhile than a group of on-line friends/enemies bantering on the interweb.

04-02-2005, 12:30 AM
Yep, been talked about a million times before.....

Won't count and I like it that way personally...

Only because of the importance that you sadly attach to post count, less competition as it stands. Really, you need to get laid or something and stop worrying about getting a higher post count than people. :dry:

04-02-2005, 12:31 AM
added : 1 post count

04-02-2005, 12:33 AM
added : 1 post count

Oh, this is so going to the lounge (and thus post counts will be subtracted again) it's not even funny.


I lied.

04-02-2005, 12:35 AM
With posts not counting in the lounge places like gameworld get spammed to hell with double, triple, quadruple posting and posts such as 'Meh' 'lol' 'wtf?' 'lmao' 'ha ha' which in turn makes me post alot less as threads go off into 'Halo 2 pwns' 'Haslo 2 suxz' 'Halo 2 rawks' 'Halo 2 is ghey'

It puts alot of people off from posting if they know all thats gonna happen is there thread is gonna be ripped to pieces because of a bunch of 14 year old american wankers.

04-02-2005, 12:36 AM
your 27 and i'm sure that i have been laid alot more times than you..... so go jack off and add another onto your sex tally list (it's not sex. it's masturbation cause you can't get a girlfriend.....) i wasn't trying to compete with you. big man, wasn't trying to compete with you're undoubtably large manhood.... i just think that lounge posts should be added to my overall post count, so stop exagerating something that was just a passing comment and get a life....

04-02-2005, 12:38 AM
With posts not counting in the lounge places like gameworld get spammed to hell with double, triple, quadruple posting and posts such as 'Meh' 'lol' 'wtf?' 'lmao' 'ha ha' which in turn makes me post alot less as threads go off into 'Halo 2 pwns' 'Haslo 2 suxz' 'Halo 2 rawks' 'Halo 2 is ghey'

It puts alot of people off from posting if they know all thats gonna happen is there thread is gonna be ripped to pieces because of a bunch of 14 year old american wankers.

that is a reasonable answer ta.
at least you dint get on your high horse and start going into a little abusive rant....*looks at with cheese*

04-02-2005, 12:42 AM
your 27 and i'm sure that i have been laid alot more times than you..... so go jack off and add another onto your sex tally list (it's not sex. it's masturbation cause you can't get a girlfriend.....) i wasn't trying to compete with you. big man, wasn't trying to compete with you're undoubtably large manhood.... i just think that lounge posts should be added to my overall post count, so stop exagerating something that was just a passing comment and get a life....

Withcheese here still (just changed accounts 'cos I'm on 10k again...)

Firstly, I get more pie in a week than you will in a lifetime kiddo.

Secondly, as you seem to be a bit stupid, I was actually on your side and was being sarcastic towards our ever-present board detractor Busyman. My point being none of my posts were directed at you.

Thirdly, you can't mock someone's supposed sexual inadequacies and then accuse them of having a large manhood, that just doesn't work. Especially if you're going to spell your wrong.

04-02-2005, 12:48 AM
that is a reasonable answer ta.
at least you dint get on your high horse and start going into a little abusive rant....*looks at with cheese*

Oh, dear...I really shouldn't mock the dim but you do realise I was actually on your side? You have heard of sarcasm and irony? :ermm:

04-02-2005, 12:50 AM
Only because of the importance that you sadly attach to post count, less competition as it stands. Really, you need to get laid or something and stop worrying about getting a higher post count than people. :dry:

yea really, on my side cawk...

i was being sarcastic about your penis and saying you had a large peins wasn't contridicting anything i said just cause i said you had a large penis doesn't mean you get loads of sex and dont jack off all the time.... (retard wanna read the post or just pretend.....)

no you just dont get more "pie" than me, never mind in a week... or more sex fo that matter either.....

and btw i dint spell :your: wrong it was an a.b.b.r.e.v.i.a.t.i.o.n

04-02-2005, 01:00 AM
yea really, on my side cawk...

I was being sarcastic about your penis and saying you had a large peins wasn't contridicting anything I said just cause I said you had a large penis doesn't mean you get loads of sex and dont jack off all the time.... (retard wanna read the post or just pretend.....)

no you just dont get more "pie" than me, never mind in a week... or more sex fo that matter either.....

and btw I dint spell :your: wrong it was an a.b.b.r.e.v.i.a.t.i.o.n


The post of mine you have quoted was quoting Busyman, this would be because I was directing my post at Busyman himself. Any offence you may have taken personally will just be because you haven't quite grasped that concept of forum posting yet.

I'm going to gloss over your next two "paragraphs" as they don't make sense to myself or, I should guess, anyone. Even yourself, if you're honest.

But let's have a look at your "a.b.b.r.e.v.i.a.t.i.o.n"...

wasn't trying to compete with you're undoubtably large manhood.
I've put the spelling mistake in bold, let's hope your smart enough to figure out what I was going on about now. (Spelling pun intended). Actually you won't be able to work it out will you? You're right it is an abbreviation, it's an abbreviation of you are...

wasn't trying to compete with you are undoubtably large manhood.
Doesn't make sense does it?

So just to clarify with you (in bold 'cos your fick): You started flaming someone who actually agreed with you. Twat.

04-02-2005, 01:08 AM
Come on cheese, be fair. You are (an) undoubtably large manhood. :lol:

04-02-2005, 01:10 AM
i'm a big gay boy

all i did wrong was that spelling mistake.... the reason i "flamed you was cause you where trying to say i was miffed about my post count, (i dont really care that much to be honest) and then you tried to talk about the ammount of sex i get????? that had nothing to do with any thing.... that was just flaming

04-02-2005, 01:11 AM
Come on cheese, be fair. You are (an) undoubtably large manhood. :lol:

This is true. I would just rather that when someone calls me thus they use proper grammar. Its the fair thing to do.

04-02-2005, 01:15 AM
all i did wrong was that spelling mistake.... the reason i "flamed you was cause you where trying to say i was miffed about my post count, (i dont really care that much to be honest) and then you tried to talk about the ammount of sex i get????? that had nothing to do with any thing.... that was just flaming

Big letters for the retard:


The post was made quoting Busyman, you weren't my intended target for any of my posts. In fact you barely registered on my radar because your post count is so very low...

04-02-2005, 01:17 AM
i dont understand y u aimed it at busy man then??? he wansn't even talking about post count i was.....?????? :blink:

04-02-2005, 01:17 AM
The post was made quoting Busyman, you weren't my intended target for any of my posts. In fact you barely registered on my radar because our post count is so very low...


04-02-2005, 01:18 AM
what do u know he spelt your wrong... hahahahahaha lololol!

04-02-2005, 01:19 AM


Sshhh...I'm running on drunk here... :shifty:

04-02-2005, 01:21 AM
i dont understand y u aimed it at busy man then??? he wansn't even talking about post count i was.....?????? :blink:

You see, what happened was you made a post and Busyman replied to your post with his own opinion on the matter. After that I "quoted" Busyman and gave my own opinion in the form of a little light-hearted piss-taking of Busyman's already established stance on this issue.

It's kind of what happens on forums. You know?

04-02-2005, 01:22 AM
btw just because i accadentally spelt :your: wrong doesn't mean i have an extra chromosome?????

04-02-2005, 01:23 AM
I've got the biggest post count on the board :01:

Wh aren't teh girls queing up to suck my e-p33n B============D


yes i am taking the piss

04-02-2005, 01:23 AM
what do u know he spelt your wrong... hahahahahaha lololol!

If you had the education enough to realise how stupid you're* "A.b.b.r.e.v.i.a.t.i.o.n" bit was then you'd know how much I'm laughing at you.


04-02-2005, 01:24 AM
i can't believe your blaming being drunk on your miss type??????
but busyman wasn't talking baout posts??? i was the only one who had?????? i dont understand y u would say anything to nusy man about post????

04-02-2005, 01:24 AM
btw just because i accadentally spelt :your: wrong doesn't mean i have an extra chromosome?????

No. It just means your thick.

Haha! I did it again... :lol:

04-02-2005, 01:25 AM
yea ok that was pretty dumb but whatever.... ( i laughed at myself for that one)

04-02-2005, 01:26 AM
These moderators are slack nowdays. This should of been moved after the first 3 posts (wll I lose my post count if this gets banished to the lounge?)

Oh and to anwser the origianl question; Posts used to count in the lounge and then Funky Carricorn came along so it was changed and then it was decided (was it under 7th elements reign?) that posts should count in the lounge and then it got changed back again (by error4-something I believe).
ummmmm :blink: I'm confused, what was the question again?

04-02-2005, 01:27 AM
but busyman wasn't talking baout posts???

Yes he was. Here:

Won't count and I like it that way personally...

i dont understand y u would say anything to nusy man about post????
You'd understand had you been here for a bit longer. Busyman is what we call a postwhore. His stance on the subject was oddly ironic hence Chebus' reaction.

04-02-2005, 01:27 AM
I had a look at the most recent Game topic:

Game Screenshots: CSS (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/t93058-.html)

Random spam asking for someone to go on MSN? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021736&postcount=12)
Flaming someone for having a bad computer (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021744&postcount=14)
Ha? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021810&postcount=19)
lmao? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021816&postcount=20)
pwnd lol (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1022340&postcount=25)
Linking to a random userid? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1022356&postcount=27)
Requesting hacks (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1022365&postcount=28)
hahahah? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1027553&postcount=31)
Useless OMGWTFBBQ spam (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1028095&postcount=33)

All from 1 thread i picked at random, and there is more but i can't be assed to link to it all. All of them break this rule:

3. Spamming is not permitted and will be monitored; please keep all your posts as constructive as possible. Excessive spamming may be deleted.

I hate to say it as well but its the same 4 or 5 people with stupid comments to get there post count up.

04-02-2005, 01:27 AM
no it was a m.i.s.t.a.k.e..... sorry. thought i would do it slowly cause you obviously aren't aware of that word, ou're* to smart for that

*also intentional

04-02-2005, 01:31 AM
But I gotta agree with ya Peerz, Gameworld is going to pot.

04-02-2005, 01:31 AM
Full of useless posts most of the time.

04-02-2005, 01:31 AM
LOL :lol:

04-02-2005, 01:32 AM

04-02-2005, 01:32 AM
i can't believe your blaming being drunk on your miss type??????
but busyman wasn't talking baout posts??? i was the only one who had?????? i dont understand y u would say anything to nusy man about post????

I hope you're very drunk for the murder of the English language you've been committing this morning...


You posted this:

this has probably been done a million time before, but y dont lounge posts get counted? my posts at the minute stand at 34 or something but counting the lounge it's about 100, (because there is more interesting things to talk about in the lounge) i only been here a couple of days but i think it would be alot better if lounge posts counted aswell.

Busyman answered with this in the very next post:

Yep, been talked about a million times before.....

Won't count and I like it that way personally...

Notice how he is referring to your post, in fact he even goes as far as to quote you.

Here is a link to the page in case you have forgotten. Just click the link with your left-mouse button: http://www.filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showthread.php?t=93523&page=1&pp=10

The clues that Busyman is referring to your post (the only one in the thread until then and the one he quotes) is that he refers to the issue as being discussed before (it has, to death) and he actually says "Won't count"; you can't get a clearer indication that Busyman was actually talking about your post which was to do with post counts.

Two posts later and I quote Busyman and post this:

Only because of the importance that you sadly attach to post count, less competition as it stands. Really, you need to get laid or something and stop worrying about getting a higher post count than people.

Thus I am obviously referring to Busyman's posts and not talking to you in any way.

04-02-2005, 01:35 AM
i still think it was in poor context.... but whatever....

04-02-2005, 01:36 AM
Now are you sure MCHeshPants420, is that you're final answer?

04-02-2005, 01:39 AM
i still think it was in poor context.... but whatever....

Perhaps in future you could just ask the person what they meant by their post instead of just flaming straight away?

Don't get me wrong I love a bit of flaming (Yogi :shifty: ) but if you hadn't flew off the handle this could have all been avoided...still 'twas fun for 20 minutes. :D

04-02-2005, 01:39 AM
To be fair, we were a bit low on mentalists. Good work, BoB!1! Welcome abroad.

04-02-2005, 01:41 AM
i post therefore i am

04-02-2005, 01:42 AM
Am what? What is it you are?

04-02-2005, 01:43 AM
yea more like 40 mins though.... it's 3 in morning here and i got tonsilitis, so i blame that for my getting stressed really easy.... i usually couldn't give a shit.... thanks manker, but yea twas fun... but now i'm knackered night. :)

04-02-2005, 01:45 AM
wow i just went to check how long it lasted..... over an hour!!!! :blink: and not an admin in sight to stop is abusing each other...lol

04-02-2005, 01:47 AM
wow i just went to check how long it lasted..... over an hour!!!! :blink: and not an admin in sight to stop is abusing each other...lolFecking mods :dry:

04-02-2005, 01:48 AM
Fecking mods :dry:

I blame them for my gf being narky with me 'cos I didn't come to bed... :dry:

04-02-2005, 01:49 AM
NO. dont stop now, I was enjoying watching the abuse.
dammit, I was almost there and all

04-02-2005, 01:49 AM
NO. dont stop now, I was enjoying watching the abuse.
dammit, I was almost there and all

our not in my good books... :P

04-02-2005, 01:55 AM
I blame them for my gf being narky with me 'cos I didn't come to bed... :dry:Where did you come.

Not in her handbag again. Still, you could always blame a mod. lynx is the most likely candidate for those sort of shenaneghans :naughty:

04-02-2005, 01:56 AM
Where did you come.

Well, she did say she wanted her hair streaked... :naughty:

04-02-2005, 02:03 AM
Only because of the importance that you sadly attach to post count, less competition as it stands. Really, you need to get laid or something and stop worrying about getting a higher post count than people. :dry:
Competition for what? :blink:

You of all people have a rallying cry for dumb shit. You have 10,000 posts, average 17+ post per day and was so pressed regarding post count that you changed your name to keep the "10,000" posts.
Pick up your award on your way out. :dry:

Oh and to clear things up, when this forum was really pumpin' the post count never counted in the Lounge...this was from the beginning.

It was not changed due to spamming it was changed due to regime change.
Forums will always have crap posts but keep in mind this forum was moderated more a ways back.

Busyman is what we call a postwhore. His stance on the subject was oddly ironic hence Chebus' reaction.

How does a post whore have only 7.32 posts per day? :blink:
5100+ posts in 2 years? :blink:

04-02-2005, 02:04 AM
I think Phil Collins did a song about that :unsure:

04-02-2005, 02:07 AM
Competition for what? :blink:

You of all people have a rallying cry for dumb shit.

You do realise I was being ironic?

04-02-2005, 02:10 AM
You do realise I was being ironic?
Yes 'cause I saw your later post said you were taking a piss.

Your first post, however, gave me an excuse. :devil:

You know I could give a shit about post competition.

Either way, yes I knew. :shifty:

04-02-2005, 02:10 AM

depth perseption*

04-02-2005, 02:13 AM
well they once counted then they took that away then they made them count again then they took them away again counting

keep it like that becasue when they counted the mods wouldnt let us have a fuck thread or blah thread coz it made our posts count

btw dan i have the biggest post count add up all my 5 accounts :P

04-02-2005, 02:16 AM
I think Phil Collins did a song about that :unsure:

Phil? you mean peter gabriel

04-02-2005, 02:20 AM
well they once counted then they took that away then they made them count again then they took them away again counting

keep it like that becasue when they counted the mods wouldnt let us have a fuck thread or blah thread coz it made our posts count

btw dan i have the biggest post count add up all my 5 accounts :P
They started off NOT counting from the beginning (at least back in April '03). :unsure:

That was when there was VB, Paul, and Random Nut here.

04-02-2005, 02:27 AM
They started off NOT counting from the beginning (at least back in April '03). :unsure:

That was when there was VB, Paul, and Random Nut here.

they started off counting when thsi board was first made.

and the reason they stopped counting was FC :lol: (The First ever post whore) Paul and VB got sick of it so they killed posts in the lounge.

anyway last year they were brought back again in the lounge on a poll if i remember wasn't it 7th element??

they also got rid of us being able to view posts counts altogether.

since the new board software came in yeah it was brought back in

but as I said keep it the way it is that way the lounge can have fuck threads and blah thread and not being closed for getting post counts up

actully allot of you later guys who wern't here at the begiinning wont know but at one stage none of teh world counted as posts only the kazza sections whne it was KLF

04-02-2005, 02:38 AM
I had a look at the most recent Game topic:

Game Screenshots: CSS (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/t93058-.html)

Random spam asking for someone to go on MSN? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021736&postcount=12)
Flaming someone for having a bad computer (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021744&postcount=14)
Ha? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021810&postcount=19)
lmao? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1021816&postcount=20)
pwnd lol (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1022340&postcount=25)
Linking to a random userid? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1022356&postcount=27)
Requesting hacks (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1022365&postcount=28)
hahahah? (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1027553&postcount=31)
Useless OMGWTFBBQ spam (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/showpost.php?p=1028095&postcount=33)

All from 1 thread i picked at random, and there is more but i can't be assed to link to it all. All of them break this rule:

I hate to say it as well but its the same 4 or 5 people with stupid comments to get there post count up.


04-02-2005, 02:53 AM
they started off counting when thsi board was first made.

and the reason they stopped counting was FC :lol: (The First ever post whore) Paul and VB got sick of it so they killed posts in the lounge.

anyway last year they were brought back again in the lounge on a poll if i remember wasn't it 7th element??

they also got rid of us being able to view posts counts altogether.

since the new board software came in yeah it was brought back in

but as I said keep it the way it is that way the lounge can have fuck threads and blah thread and not being closed for getting post counts up

actully allot of you later guys who wern't here at the begiinning wont know but at one stage none of teh world counted as posts only the kazza sections whne it was KLF

Then hopefully it gets left the way it is

04-02-2005, 04:17 AM
well they once counted then they took that away then they made them count again then they took them away again counting

keep it like that becasue when they counted the mods wouldnt let us have a fuck thread or blah thread coz it made our posts count

btw dan i have the biggest post count add up all my 5 accounts :P

Which are? :)

04-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Yes it was me...I moved it....had to be done in the end, but you all got a good run of it I think ;)

04-02-2005, 06:53 PM
I hope you're very drunk for the murder of the English language you've been committing this morning...

He's got lesdexia.

'k? :dry:

04-02-2005, 09:13 PM
I blame them for my gf being narky with me 'cos I didn't come to bed... :dry:

lol is that actually my fault for being cranky and stubborn? who cares blame the mods any way, LOL! :)