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04-06-2003, 05:14 PM

04-06-2003, 06:15 PM

Someday MAYBE, and I mean MAYBE, I'd take some X

When I'm 90, I'd take Viagra IF I needed ;)

Won't touch anything else....except for whippets, I've done that before....I guess that goes under solvents.

04-06-2003, 08:50 PM
dont touch any of it....who knows what real damage it will do now or in later yrs to come

"The Avatar Man"
04-06-2003, 08:53 PM
I draw the line at a nice bottle of whiskey :D
[edit]this makes a nice wallpaper for those with lower resolutions ;)

04-06-2003, 11:28 PM
I'll go with that YodaX.

There are better ways than drugs to enjoy yourself.

04-07-2003, 05:45 AM
I'm amazed. So far the non-drug users out weigh the addicts! That's pretty rare in this day and age. For the record, I draw the line at alcohol too. At least a hangover only lasts one day.

04-07-2003, 06:10 AM
No drugs at all
And i have only tried different alcoholic beveages and i am 19

Rip The Jacker
04-07-2003, 06:36 AM
None at all.

Oh yea, Jayhawk your sig is too big. The max is 495 x 150, your sig size is 450 x 254. Please resize it.

04-07-2003, 07:19 AM
When i was younger dabbled in most drugs but now all i do is smoke weed :D

04-07-2003, 07:31 AM
Just caffeine and nicotine these days. In my youth, anything and everything. In retrospect, I wasted a lot of time. At the time, i had the time of my life. Now I just gotta quit these damn cigs!

04-07-2003, 07:35 AM
Lagers my drug :blink:

Now..... where did I put that needle??

04-07-2003, 09:46 AM
I did drugs for a year or so, skunk, hash, weed, white widow etc, I'm clean now.

04-07-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Nightwolf^.`.^@7 April 2003 - 01:45
I'm amazed. So far the non-drug users out weigh the addicts! That's pretty rare in this day and age. For the record, I draw the line at alcohol too. At least a hangover only lasts one day.
Ouch! This one's run into a second day. :(

Tequila is nasty...

04-07-2003, 10:47 AM
sex is my drug... lol

alcohol used to be... but i have cut way back after a night with a public intox ticket, and a trip to pokey over night. ;)

04-07-2003, 01:46 PM
I would probably drink more, but I figuared something that doesn't have any physical evidence of ever killing anyone is better then something that can kill you in one sitting.

04-07-2003, 02:02 PM
Drugs are great! We must have alot of younger users on these boards. College will change your opinions on drugs and alcohol. B)

04-07-2003, 03:16 PM
Drugs are great!
Explain? I don't see much in the way of advantages apart from the temporary high.

In contrast, I see many disadvantages:
1) They are addictive - there's no way out if you go too far.
2) They are expensive - get addicted and they'll take up all of your disposable income and then some.
3) They are illegal - usage will get you into trouble with the police.
4) They are very unhealthy and will ruin your body and your mind.
5) They kill - we lost two guys in our year at school at the ages of 15 and then 17. Guess what? They ODed.
6) They leave you depressed - after the high, you'll end up lower than ever.
7) They mark you as being on the bottom of the social pile - everyone looks down on junkies.
8) They make you stink. More.
9) They massively lower your chances of being successful with members of the opposite sex (it's difficult to chat people up when you're pissed or stoned).

and last but not least:

10) Some drugs (including those in cigarettes) artificially accelerate the aging process of the male sexual organ, ie. they shrink your penis.

Remember the words of Mr. Mackie: "drugs are bad, mmmkay?"
They're illegal for a reason - they're bad for you!

04-07-2003, 03:41 PM
College will change your opinions on drugs and alcohol.

Ok Jibbler...you think drugs and booze are great? Well then...

As I'm in Lamsey's class at school, we've both lost those 2 guys and it was hard to think that those same people who had been walking about school and talking to us are now DEAD - thanks to drugs.

Now, I was born into one of Glasgow's poorest areas and i currrently live in a slightly better area. Kids are bored and do drugs and alcohol as a way of escaping everything. I have seen this first hand. I must have lost at least 5 people that i grew up with to drugs already - and i'm only 17!

Alcohol...I may be underage but I've had a few drinks in my time...but too much is definately not good...trust me, it's no fun living with an alcoholic.

Take it from someone who lives in a drink/drugs culture - DON'T DO IT!!!

04-07-2003, 03:47 PM
Alcohol...I may be underage but I've had a few drinks in my time...but too much is definately not good...trust me, it's no fun living with an alcoholic.

Alcohol is a big problem here. We have a lot of pot heads, and there has been a large increase in meth labs, but at least 1 person dies from alcohol poisoning everymonth, and thats just ones that made the local news, there are others who don't get media attention.

04-07-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Lamsey@7 April 2003 - 16:16

Drugs are great!
Explain? I don't see much in the way of advantages apart from the temporary high.

In contrast, I see many disadvantages:
1) They are addictive - there's no way out if you go too far.
2) They are expensive - get addicted and they'll take up all of your disposable income and then some.
3) They are illegal - usage will get you into trouble with the police.
4) They are very unhealthy and will ruin your body and your mind.
5) They kill - we lost two guys in our year at school at the ages of 15 and then 17. Guess what? They ODed.
6) They leave you depressed - after the high, you'll end up lower than ever.
7) They mark you as being on the bottom of the social pile - everyone looks down on junkies.
8) They make you stink. More.
9) They massively lower your chances of being successful with members of the opposite sex (it's difficult to chat people up when you're pissed or stoned).

and last but not least:

10) Some drugs (including those in cigarettes) artificially accelerate the aging process of the male sexual organ, ie. they shrink your penis.

Remember the words of Mr. Mackie: "drugs are bad, mmmkay?"
They're illegal for a reason - they're bad for you!

I get your point but have a few points I disagree with:

1) Not ALL drugs are addictive. Where's your evidence to support this ridiculous claim?

2) Drugs are NOT that expensive. Ecstacy used to be £20 a pop now it's £3. How can that be getting more expensive?

3) Not all mind altering substances are illegal!!

4) Some drugs are actually beneficial. Why do you think we have pharmacies?

5) NATURAL SELECTION!! Sad but true. :(

6) Some drugs are used to cure depression, but you're right after the high comes the low.

7) Not all drug users are junkies. Some are very successful people. You can't tar everybody with the same brush!!

8) See above answer.

9) Crap, Cocaine makes you more confident ( in the short term!! ) but has bad long term effects!!

10) Where's your proof? Do you going round inspecting drug users cocks? You need another hobby!! :lol:

Drugs are illegal for a number of reasons. Being harmful is pretty far down the list. If public safety was an issue the Government would ban Alcohol and Tobacco tomorrow!!

Don't be so narrow minded in your opinion of drug users, not everyone lives like Trainspotting!! Not all drug users are scruffy, unkempt, stinking junkies!!

I have no real objection to drugs myself. Adults should be able to decide what to put into their own bodies and not treated like children by some "Nanny State".

I thought Mr.Mackie enjoyed LSD and the whole drug scene. Or was I stoned when I watched South Park?

04-07-2003, 04:22 PM
Jeez Soopaman!

Drugs kill. I know cigarettes and alcohol do too, but Lamsey was talking about drugs speciffically (spelling?).

Have you grown up where people around you are stealing to buy their fix?
have you seen kids you've grown up with overdose?

If you have, you would agree with me and Lamsey.


Natural selection!!!!!!! No way - these guys died cos they OD'd. The most recent guy actually OD'd cos he got depressed. Why? Cos he was addicted to drugs and as a result lost his friends, job, money and basically everything. Not natural selection.

Sorry if this post sounds like a lecture, but the subject really is close to home for me. I hate to see young people my age destroying their bodies and their future.

If any one wants to chat about it a bit more, feel free to PM me.


04-07-2003, 04:30 PM
Most addiction is psychological. It takes will power to leave them behind. Most people who get into drugs do it for an escape, therefore they are weak willed. if you are weak willed, you are easily addicted. At this point, proof becomes academic. I have seen dozens of losers claim certain drugs are not addictive and then can not leave them behind.

I happily sip scotch and avoid enebration. Alchohol is severely addictive thus I keep my intake moderated. I was addicted to several drugs and regular smoking in my youth. I walked away from it all in one day and have not had the urge for any of them since, even when exposed to their continued use in my vicinity. I simply excorsized my will and decided not to use them. My poisons were pot, crystal meth, alchohol and nicotine. I no longer need any of them and it took less than a day to stop. I still drink occasionally and it does not make me burn like it did before the day I decided I was quitting.

so, yes there is proof that chemicals are addictive. Do not be ignorant.

04-07-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by WeeMouse@7 April 2003 - 17:22
Jeez Soopaman!

Drugs kill. I know cigarettes and alcohol do too, but Lamsey was talking about drugs speciffically (spelling?).

Have you grown up where people around you are stealing to buy their fix?
have you seen kids you've grown up with overdose?

If you have, you would agree with me and Lamsey.


Natural selection!!!!!!! No way - these guys died cos they OD'd. The most recent guy actually OD'd cos he got depressed. Why? Cos he was addicted to drugs and as a result lost his friends, job, money and basically everything. Not natural selection.

You are not being specific when you say "drugs". Which drugs? You can't be physically addicted to some narcotic substances so it's down to will power on those. Stuff like Heroin and Cocaine is different, you are right!! I have seen friends lives end in tragic drug related circumstances so I think I can comment with some authority (perhaps not the right word). My uncle was a heroin addict for nearly 20 years and robbed both my parents and grandparents houses. So I know what you mean. I'm guessing that you and Lamsey are quite young maybe your opinions will change over time. This subject has provoked some good posts - I hope it continues. B)

04-07-2003, 04:40 PM
Lamsey and I are both 17.

It is a thought provoking post...but I know at least my opinions aren't gonna change - I don't want people to be killing themselves slowly and painfully!

Anyways, my mum and dad have drummed it into me from when i was really wee that if i took drugs, they'd kill me themselves before the drugs did! that may have affected my opinion a little...


04-07-2003, 05:02 PM
woooo, another drugs thread, here I come:

I like to smoke a joint, I like to drink a pint of beer (or many pints of beer :lol: ) and I like to use other drugs once in a while.

About 1.5 year ago I used to smoke 2-3 joints a day, one day we ran out of weed and we didn't buy any after that. I had no trouble quitting.
I go out every weekend and drink, well, quite a lot, to be honest. I don't wake up trembling and craving for beer the rest of the week.
I have used hard drugs on regular bases, in a not so pretty period of my life. I can assure you that it wasn't fun at the moment, I went through a hell, but those drugs made me discover things about myself I had never known before (or maybe didn't want to know...).
I still use stuff like speed and XTC occasionally. About 1-2 times a year. I don't have trouble keeping it with that and when I wake up I don't look for other drugs to take.

What I want to say is, that drugs can be fuin sometimes. If you're feeling ok, emotionally that is, it can be a fun way to see the world differently, explore new things. But then and only then. Drugs don't solve problems, they probably make it look worse than it is. There's a time and a place for everything and I don't regret taking any of them....


04-07-2003, 08:34 PM
OK, time for some clearing up:

When I referred to drugs, I meant recreational drugs. I did not mean the narcotics which improve the health of millions of people daily - I wholly approve of them.

I read about the penis thing in New Scientist. I'd count that as pretty solid proof.

I realise that drugs can be an entertaining experience but in my view it is too much of a risk to go near them. There's a "just this once" for everyone but too often it doesn't stop there.

04-07-2003, 08:54 PM
I'm pretty much the same as a few people here and a lot of people I know. I tried lots of drugs when I was younger, but now just stick to weed, alcohol and cigarettes. At the moment I don't drink an awful lot and I do want to give up cigarettes. I might do ecstacy every once in a while, but at the moment I haven't done it in over a year.

Personally I think there is a lot wrong with the law (in Britain at least, although Holland may have got it right), but I don't really want to get into that here, as I could go on for a while. A little note about "recreational" drugs though - just because they are legal doesn't make them any better for you. Many people have far more trouble (addiction, ill health etc.) with prescription drugs than they do with illegal drugs. Painkillers and anti-depressants can do a lot more harm to a person's mind and body than marijuana ever could. Also, a lot of prescription drugs use similar chemicals - dieting pills that are handed out to people just cos they want to lose some weight are basically just speed in a pill - so the law is no kind of gauge as to how dangerous any drugs are.

Soopaman got it right - you can't just talk about drugs and include everything. There are many kinds of drugs out there and they can be fun, beneficial or dangerous depending on how you use them - as with anything in life, moderation is the key.

04-07-2003, 09:23 PM
:lol: Master YodaX

Nice pic, but how do you light the stuff? Is that a glass or a pipe? If the pipe stem is not connected to the glass, perhaps your not being completely honest? Maybe that is a separate pipe and you just don't consider what goes into it as a drug.

Just making fun of the picture not the post or topic.

It's a serious subject regardless of ones personal stance.

Back in the day....Nope, don't want to go there.

Couple of thoughts though...

...people should be encouraged to allow their bodies/minds to develop without drugs (recreational/abuse). Adults should choose intelligently, kids should be protected, and teens should be informed/educated and given something better to do until they finish developing.

...some people have addictive personalities and are going to get into trouble regardless of what they try.

...God made grass, man made booze, who you gonna trust?

...Chemicals kill

04-07-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by soopaman+7 April 2003 - 11:35--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (soopaman @ 7 April 2003 - 11:35)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--WeeMouse@7 April 2003 - 17:22
Jeez Soopaman&#33;

Drugs kill. I know cigarettes and alcohol do too, but Lamsey was talking about drugs speciffically (spelling?).

Have you grown up where people around you are stealing to buy their fix?
have you seen kids you&#39;ve grown up with overdose?

If you have, you would agree with me and Lamsey.

NATURAL SELECTION&#33;&#33; Sad but true

Natural selection&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; No way - these guys died cos they OD&#39;d. The most recent guy actually OD&#39;d cos he got depressed. Why? Cos he was addicted to drugs and as a result lost his friends, job, money and basically everything. Not natural selection.

You are not being specific when you say "drugs". Which drugs? You can&#39;t be physically addicted to some narcotic substances so it&#39;s down to will power on those. Stuff like Heroin and Cocaine is different, you are right&#33;&#33; I have seen friends lives end in tragic drug related circumstances so I think I can comment with some authority (perhaps not the right word). My uncle was a heroin addict for nearly 20 years and robbed both my parents and grandparents houses. So I know what you mean. I&#39;m guessing that you and Lamsey are quite young maybe your opinions will change over time. This subject has provoked some good posts - I hope it continues. B)[/b][/quote]
Please see the following definition for the word "narcotic".

Narcotic &#092;Nar*cot"ic&#092;, n. (Med.)
A drug which, in medicinal doses, generally allays morbid
susceptibility, relieves pain, and produces sleep; but which,
in poisonous doses, produces stupor, coma, or convulsions,
and, when given in sufficient quantity, causes death. The
best examples are opium (with morphine), belladonna (with
atropine), and conium.
Nercotykes and opye (opium) of Thebes. --Chaucer.
From WordNet &reg; 1.7 [wn]

04-07-2003, 10:13 PM
Comes out of the wood work...
I hate to lend an authoritative voice to the discussion, but this is my field of study/work whatever you want to call it. The amount of disinformation about drugs among the populace is sometimes quite scary.

LSD...dosage plateaus in effectiveness at 500mics, impossible to OD
...possible to bring out latent psychosis tho

Marijuana...short term temporary memory impairment, motor ataxias of varying degrees dealing with potency, but nothing permanent, tumor reducing agent, also inability to OD, lab rats fed excessive (and by excessive, I mean the point was to give them a toxic dose) were found to be healthier than control rats years later. Long term brain damage: 0

Cocaine...overexcitation in dopaminergic circuits, cardiac stress, will eventually lead to psychosis, pretty bad stuff
mixed w/alcohol... forrms cocaethanol, longer half-life than cocaine itself lengthening the SNS stress and causing plaque build-ups in the brain, really bad stuff

MDMA...interesting chem, possible serotonin axonal terminal damage (meaning possible brain toxicity), unable to be proven in humans as of yet, though lab animals show definite results. Behavioral side effects include loss of aggression, possible post use depression lasting anywhere from a couple days to a week, lowered levels of serotonin metabolite

Tobacco...nictonic acetylcholine agonist, meaning neuromuscular as well as cardiovascular stress not to mention carcinogens, number one cause of death in the world&#33;

Alcohol...depletion of thiamine in brain leading to plaques, possible irreversible memory loss: Korsakoff&#39;s syndrome, a host of other probelms due to GABA level fluctuations, liver problems, etc.

This is just a brief overview. I only really included negative side effects to show a point, many of these substances have a myriad of positive effects as well. Safety-wise (as far asa our bodies are concerned), it seems that phenethylamines (mescaline, DOB, 2-CB, etc.) and tryptamines (LSD, psilocybin, DMT) are the best bet. I don&#39;t, however, condone the use of such as strong psychadelics as they can have profound psychological ramifications and most are illegal on most regions of the world.

If anyone would like a more in-depth analysis on a particular substance, I&#39;d be happy to provide it

04-07-2003, 10:28 PM
Nice to have an educated view on the subject - it&#39;s a shame this type of information never goes so far as to reach schools instaed of the "Just Say No" attitude that is dominant.

Also interesting to note is that of the three that seem to have the worst effects of all in the list, two are legal and even encouraged through advertising.

04-07-2003, 10:36 PM
Why do drug addicts always try to persuade other people to try drugs? I think what they&#39;re really trying to do is convince themselves that drugs are okay. And I&#39;m tired of always hearing them say "If it feels good and no one gets hurt, what&#39;s the problem?" The problem is that they are hurting others. What about the families of the drug users. I grew up in a home with an addict so I can tell you first hand, it&#39;s not fun. What about all the victims of drug related crimes? No matter how much they deny it, the bottom line is that drugs are bad. Period. Lamsey and WeeMouse have a very mature understanding of the many negative effects of drugs, and they should be commended for that - not chastised&#33; I know a lot of people in their thirties and fourties who still haven&#39;t figured out that drugs are bad for them, and bad for society as a whole. And yes I&#39;m talking about all drugs. I think too many people look to drugs as a quick fix for every little problem. If you&#39;re overweight...take a pill. If your depressed...take a pill. If your kid&#39;s too hyper...give him a pill. When are people going to grow up and get over this 1960&#39;s &#39;take drugs and you&#39;ll feel better&#39; mentality? It&#39;s just an illusion, and sooner or later reality always comes crashing back down on you.

04-07-2003, 10:42 PM
I didn&#39;t even get into the scary stuff like...Saren, that nerve toxin that everyone is freaked out that Iraq might have, the same one used on a Tokyo subway a couple of years ago, is widely used in agrobusiness as a pesticide.
But that&#39;s another can of worms...

Psychadelics don&#39;t even meet the traditional requirements (high abuse potential, lack of accepted safety for medical use) for a schedule one substance in the US, but are still right up there. While other substances that do meet the requirements like..say..alcohol and tobacco are not scheduled substances. Wonder why that is...

The reason people don&#39;t get better education concerning the subject is that the backers for things like the "Just Say No" program and Partnership for a Drug Free America are primarily funded by Tobacco, Alcohol, and pharmaceutical companies. Propaganda at its finest.

04-08-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Nightwolf^.`.^@7 April 2003 - 23:36
I think too many people look to drugs as a quick fix for every little problem. If you&#39;re overweight...take a pill. If your depressed...take a pill. If your kid&#39;s too hyper...give him a pill. When are people going to grow up and get over this 1960&#39;s &#39;take drugs and you&#39;ll feel better&#39; mentality? It&#39;s just an illusion, and sooner or later reality always comes crashing back down on you.

Some drugs are used as a long term pattern of treatment so can&#39;t exactly be regarded as a "quick fix". The "take-a-pill" mentality goes back further than the 1960&#39;s. I think the Victorians popularised the idea and it went ballistic when AntiBiotics were discovered so I&#39;d read up on it if I were you before making huge generalisations.
Where&#39;s your evidence that it&#39;s an "illusion" ?? All the drugs I&#39;ve tried have been real, as have the effects. I knew what I was doing and what I was putting into my body so don&#39;t criticise me for that please. What is reality anyway? Actually don&#39;t answer that we could be here forever. :lol: It&#39;s sad that most people still think of drugs as HEROIN or CRACK or any of the more notorious ones. There are many, many drugs out there and I&#39;ve tried quite a few of them. Over a period of more than 10 years I only ever had one bad time and I think that was more due to the amount of booze I&#39;d drunk. My point is they ain&#39;t ALL bad when taken in moderation. Drug users can be successful and hold down responsible jobs and keep their families together. Drug addicts can&#39;t. There&#39;s a BIG difference&#33;&#33;

Keep on Keepin&#39; on.

04-08-2003, 01:46 AM
You know what? This weekend i found out my brother gets high off of Computer dusting spray, the kind u spray in the can?

Fucking stupid...

04-08-2003, 02:52 AM
@Nightwolf, I can partially agree with your sentiment. Addicts, by definition of the word, are necessarily negatively affecting theirs and other lives.
However, most drug users are not addicts. There&#39;s also a problem with people&#39;s understanding of medical pharmacology. I don&#39;t know how to easily explain this, but I&#39;ll take a stab at it. There is no substansive qualitative difference between taking a medication for a cold and taking one for depression or any other so-called mental disorder. Why? Well, they are both based in physiological reactions. People show lower rates of relapse and faster recovery rates from depression when taking an antidepressant medication accompanied by therapy than with therapy alone. If you think that&#39;s a bad thing, I&#39;m sorry.
I will agree that there is a prevalent trend towards overmedication in our society at present which is causing innumerable problems from more reactive virii to higher rates of substance dependancy. That doesn&#39;t mean that there isn&#39;t a place for drug use in society, it merely points toward adopting a more responsible drug use policy.
Here&#39;s one to really think on, reality is subjective and therefore an illusion however close to the truth.
Psychadelics, in moderate use, have been shown to lower depression and anxiety rates, help with chemical addictions, promote higher levels of internal understanding, and facilitate creating emotional bonds among people.
If you feel that drug use, no matter the circumstance, is wrong, please illuminate your reasoning for such an OPINION and justify it with supporting data.

Yes, huffing aerosol cans is fucking stupid.

edit: spelling

04-08-2003, 03:44 AM
Drug users can be successful and hold down responsible jobs and keep their families together. Drug addicts can&#39;t. There&#39;s a BIG difference&#33;&#33;
You cannot be a drug addict if you are not a drug user. Simple, no? Do you think drug addicts choose to be addicts?

Where&#39;s your evidence that it&#39;s an "illusion" ?? All the drugs I&#39;ve tried have been real, as have the effects.
These so called "mood altering drugs" by nature alter your perception of reality. So if that&#39;s the case then how can you still know for sure what you are doing to yourself?

@Lamsey and WeeMouse, I congratulate you both in your views on this matter. You will go far with that approach. Keep it. It&#39;s of great value in todays society and for your life goals.

04-08-2003, 04:05 AM
Stay off of drugs/cigarettes/alchohol.
Boring - yes
Life expectancy - greatly increased
Health - much better
Wallet - much better economy

Believe me, ive been there, done that - i regret it and cant stop&#33;


04-08-2003, 05:31 AM
Originally posted by lurker@7 April 2003 - 21:52
If you feel that drug use, no matter the circumstance, is wrong, please illuminate your reasoning for such an OPINION and justify it with supporting data.

You&#39;re right, it is my opinion that drugs cause more harm than good, based on my own personal life experiences. I really don&#39;t care if you agree with it or not. My only reason for sharing is to let any kids out there know that it&#39;s OK to be against drugs, contrary to the constant message of "If it feels good, do it" that they seem to get from most of society. Just like Lamsey and WeeMouse, I am constantly bashed and insulted for having such a &#39;radical&#39; belief. But if I can convince just one person to quit, or better yet never even start, then it&#39;s all worth it.

04-08-2003, 07:07 AM
I&#39;m not saying that you shouldn&#39;t try to convince someone to quit, I would just like justified reasons why one should quit a particular substance.

I&#39;m not unilaterally pro or con drug use. I do wish that people would make INFORMED decisions. I think that people will be more apt to make intelligent decisions regarding whether they should use a substance if they are aware of the consequences as well as the possible benefits. I&#39;m just saying that I think more people would choose not to do let&#39;s say E even though it will make them "feel good" if they knew about its neurotoxicity, rather than simply being told not to do it.

however, not all drugs have addictive properties. Also, I absolutely agree, people can make decisions they regret while under the influence of a chemical.

I agree, as a rule-of-thumb staying away from most substances will lead toward better health. Hope you&#39;re eating organic -else you might want to consider a Deprenyl supplement :)
oh and avoid mint too, it&#39;s a dopaminergic toxin

Finally: Lamsey, Weemouse, Night I support you in your abstinence

if anyone wants more info on various drugs, check out www.erowid.org

04-08-2003, 01:30 PM
however, not all drugs have addictive properties. Also, I absolutely agree, people can make decisions they regret while under the influence of a chemical.

Tell me. Exactly how long does this "influence" last?

It seems to me that the nature of addiction is that they have cravings for quite a long time after they stop. Is that not "influence"?

04-08-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Somebody1234@8 April 2003 - 04:44

Drug users can be successful and hold down responsible jobs and keep their families together. Drug addicts can&#39;t. There&#39;s a BIG difference&#33;&#33;
You cannot be a drug addict if you are not a drug user. Simple, no? Do you think drug addicts choose to be addicts?

Sorry Somebody, I don&#39;t think I phrased it clearly enough. I should have said "RESPONSIBLE, RECREATIONAL DRUG USERS". And I do think addicts have a choice about whether they do drugs, if they didn&#39;t have a choice how would they go about stopping? I know from personal experience that you have to want to stop yourself, so it IS down to an individuals choice. I&#39;ve not relapsed once since quitting because I WANTED to stop&#33;&#33; You can slip into addiction easily but it was your initial choice in the first place. It is a life choice. It is natural selection. It is Darwinian. The weaker ones don&#39;t survive, but the stronger ones do. It&#39;s a very simplistic, harsh view - Sorry.

I respect Weemouse and Lamseys point of view though even if it is a bit selective.

Hold it down.

04-08-2003, 06:51 PM
mmmmmm did somebody say line?

Reality is an illusion caused by the lack of good pot. :D :blink:

04-08-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by soopaman+7 April 2003 - 10:59--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (soopaman @ 7 April 2003 - 10:59)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Lamsey@7 April 2003 - 16:16

Drugs are great&#33;
Explain? I don&#39;t see much in the way of advantages apart from the temporary high.

In contrast, I see many disadvantages:
1) They are addictive - there&#39;s no way out if you go too far.
2) They are expensive - get addicted and they&#39;ll take up all of your disposable income and then some.
3) They are illegal - usage will get you into trouble with the police.
4) They are very unhealthy and will ruin your body and your mind.
5) They kill - we lost two guys in our year at school at the ages of 15 and then 17. Guess what? They ODed.
6) They leave you depressed - after the high, you&#39;ll end up lower than ever.
7) They mark you as being on the bottom of the social pile - everyone looks down on junkies.
8) They make you stink. More.
9) They massively lower your chances of being successful with members of the opposite sex (it&#39;s difficult to chat people up when you&#39;re pissed or stoned).

and last but not least:

10) Some drugs (including those in cigarettes) artificially accelerate the aging process of the male sexual organ, ie. they shrink your penis.

Remember the words of Mr. Mackie: "drugs are bad, mmmkay?"
They&#39;re illegal for a reason - they&#39;re bad for you&#33;

I get your point but have a few points I disagree with:

1) Not ALL drugs are addictive. Where&#39;s your evidence to support this ridiculous claim?

2) Drugs are NOT that expensive. Ecstacy used to be £20 a pop now it&#39;s £3. How can that be getting more expensive?

3) Not all mind altering substances are illegal&#33;&#33;

4) Some drugs are actually beneficial. Why do you think we have pharmacies?

5) NATURAL SELECTION&#33;&#33; Sad but true. :(

6) Some drugs are used to cure depression, but you&#39;re right after the high comes the low.

7) Not all drug users are junkies. Some are very successful people. You can&#39;t tar everybody with the same brush&#33;&#33;

8) See above answer.

9) Crap, Cocaine makes you more confident ( in the short term&#33;&#33; ) but has bad long term effects&#33;&#33;

10) Where&#39;s your proof? Do you going round inspecting drug users cocks? You need another hobby&#33;&#33; :lol:

Drugs are illegal for a number of reasons. Being harmful is pretty far down the list. If public safety was an issue the Government would ban Alcohol and Tobacco tomorrow&#33;&#33;

Don&#39;t be so narrow minded in your opinion of drug users, not everyone lives like Trainspotting&#33;&#33; Not all drug users are scruffy, unkempt, stinking junkies&#33;&#33;

I have no real objection to drugs myself. Adults should be able to decide what to put into their own bodies and not treated like children by some "Nanny State".

I thought Mr.Mackie enjoyed LSD and the whole drug scene. Or was I stoned when I watched South Park?
;) [/b][/quote]
Moderation is the key to everything......................to far left......to far right.....and your view get&#39;s distorted.

Listen to what they tell you ,but don&#39;t believe evey quote or statistic you here.
Make your own decisions based on both sides of the story.

Come on don&#39;t be a freaking robot&#33;..........think&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Peace brotherdoobie B)

04-08-2003, 07:25 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Drugs :)

04-09-2003, 02:43 AM
i smoke bud a few days out of the week pretty much

i also occasionally trip out on shrooms, acid, sip on lean, get wasted, some lines of coke, pop pills, x

tried smoking dust one time...that shit is really bad

04-09-2003, 02:28 PM
Thanks to everyone who supports Lamsey and myself&#33; :D

To the rest of you guys...

I&#39;m not your mum - I can&#39;t tell you that it&#39;s bad so don&#39;t do it&#33;

I know Lamsey and I might seem young and perhaps naive as neither of us have been involved in the drugs/smoking/drink scene, but we would just prefer to distance ourselves from smoking, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. We see people in our class come in hungover, stoned or gasping for a fag and basically we don&#39;t see the attraction&#33;

So you guys out there - you&#39;re all great, no matter what your opinion is :P

Thanks for a great discussion


04-09-2003, 02:54 PM
You guys like fags ......I hope you mean smokes ,cigs whatever.

I guess thats all part of the anti smoking program,because everyone gets disgusted when you say your gonna go have a fag ,suck back a fag,buy some fags,craving for some fags,really need a fag.
aaahhhh gross

04-09-2003, 03:47 PM
Winners dont need drugs :P

04-10-2003, 05:49 AM
what with all of you guys passing judgment on drug users?

They are sick and need our help, hahaha

04-10-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by nahan@10 April 2003 - 06:49
what with all of you guys passing judgment on drug users?

They are sick and need our help, hahaha
not sick.....as I said, there is a time and aplace for everything. Some people CAN controll it, others can&#39;t, and those that can&#39;t, yes, they are sick, and they do need help.

Just don&#39;t think that everyone that uses drugs occasionally is some junkie that &#39;ll end up in the gutters within the next few weeks....

And indeed WeeMouse, it is very smart just to keep away from it. How much I like to get stoned or drunk once in a while, the next day, you don&#39;t feel that great, and you don&#39;t LOOK that great either :lol: .

04-10-2003, 12:46 PM
Its a known medical fact that drinking prolongs life.

dont condem all users because of a few bad eggs.
I my self dont use any drugs, i do take part in the odd drink.

How would you guys like it if a religious member of any perticular faith came here preaching to you.

If you dont go to church you will go to hell.
if you lead a life of sin you wi be judged by god.
If you partake in pre -marital sex you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
Blaa Blaa Blaa Blaa ........Bla

Quite annoying yes ?

04-10-2003, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by nahan@10 April 2003 - 13:46
Its a known medical fact that drinking prolongs life.

yeah...to a certain extent...

one glass of red wine a day is good, 10 a day not.....

04-10-2003, 04:13 PM
Lurker, you have to be the most intelligent voice I have seen on this thread, myself included in that evaluation... PM me some links to what ever information you beleive relevant in dealing with drug use and depression.... and anything else you find interesting. (If you do not mind)

04-10-2003, 05:00 PM
An extremelly interesting topic. Most things have been coverered to a greater or lesser extent.

I have to say I lean on the side of the don&#39;t take proscribed drugs, particularly class A. I myself have a liking for the fermented apple, however I managed to give up the cigarettes around 5 years ago. For lent actually and just kept going.

I believe in freedom of choice and expression, so I cannot say that other people do not have the right to try putting substances into their body and see what happens. However Society has rights as well and I see and deal with people who are frankly a blight on society because of their drug dependance.

It is a fact that the majority of crime (in the UK) is drug related. It is a fact that most of this crime is what is described a petty, though try telling that to the victim. It is a fact that most of this crime is against the weak, the elderly or the disabled. They are simply easier targets.

Whatever fancy arguements you come up with the bottom line is that the people here are not representative of society. You own computers, have internet access and are for the most part educated and literate. Indeed it never ceases to amaze me that a lot of the people here use English so well when it is a second language.

It is not surprising therefore that you have all controlled your drug taking. You wouldn&#39;t be here to talk about it otherwise, though it might have been a bit hairy for some of you - you go through it. This is not the world that Lamsey and WeeMouse are talking about. Yours is the comfortable middle class drug culture. Go to Possilpark in Glasgow of an evening and see it going on, see what is happening and see the people who won&#39;t walk the streets after dark because of fear.

The way the heroin dealers work just now is quite interesting. They carry a couple of £10 deals, in cling film, internally. You know what I mean. They meet and sell the deals to the drug user. The user takes this and after doing what they have to do smokes or injects it.

Just so you know and keep things in perspective, the image of someone injecting heroin into their arm is fairly harrowing. However your good addict can´t do that. Veins have collapsed. So they go on to maybe their feet. End up injecting in to their groin. So they have heroin, which is probably cut to 20% with a mixture of other addictive drugs (cos they never really know what they are buying) which has been inside another person, which they then inject into their groin. How degrading is that.

Organised crime, there´s another thing. The yardies are becoming a major force in the north of Scotland - It´s a good market for crack cocaine. If you want to see real violence then the yardies are pretty much up there with the best of them. They are only one of the major groups which is heavilly involved in drug trafficking. The drug ausers bring these types of people to your neighbourhood as well you know.

Like I said at the start, you have the right to do what you want with your body, I´ll even help to pay for sorting it out when you go too far. However please don´t get or give the impression that it is just a bit of fun. Not until you have really walked amongst it and spoken to the people who it really effects. The silent victims, whose life isn´t worth shit, through no fault of their own.

Lamsey and WeeMouse - Good on you. Do and say what you feel is right (I´m certain you will) ignore peer pressure and what is "cool"

04-10-2003, 09:07 PM

thanks man&#33;

04-10-2003, 09:37 PM
Most addiction is psychological. It takes will power to leave them behind. Most people who get into drugs do it for an escape, therefore they are weak willed. if you are weak willed, you are easily addicted. At this point, proof becomes academic. I have seen dozens of losers claim certain drugs are not addictive and then can not leave them behind

I agree that there is a psychological component to most forms of addiction once you remove any physical component, however there are studies that validate the fact that a person who has become habituated to a particular drug has a higher susceptibility to become both physically and emotionally addicted to their particular poison which should be obvious.

I havn&#39;t taken any &#39;drugs&#39; and I am uneasy with that definition. I don&#39;t particularly trust all pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry especially where it is largely profit driven and &#39;evidence based medicine&#39; which often involves little consumer input is the means used to test the efficacy of any given form of therapy/treatment including but not limited to the prescription of drugs.

I don&#39;t endorse the taking of illicit drugs and havn&#39;t taken any myself, however neither do I find the argument that drugs are more acceptable if &#39;legally prescribed&#39; very convincing (with some obvious exceptions).

The FDA has shown itself to be complicit sometimes in the most fraudulent practices of large pharmaceutical companies from the testing and approval procedure to the marketing procedure. We all know this.

My particular drug of choice was Xanax. I was told it was a wonder drug when I first was prescribed it and would stop my pulse rate jumping from 70 to 140 when confronted with a difficult situation. However the fight/flight mechanism is something that we were meant to have and when I looked further into the pharmacodynamics of the tablet it didn&#39;t take long to see why UpJohn knew they were on a winner. It induces panic attack in persons with anxiety. It attaches to the GABA receptors and causes hyperarousal/rebound anxiety which after a certain period worsens the original problem. Upjohn knew this.

There are other analogies to other &#39;drugs&#39;. My feeling is that you make informed choices and go beyond the drug companies literature if you are ever presented with a prescription for anything. Similarly if you take responsibility for what you decide to take, and do with your life, you will at least be cognisant of the consequences.

There are many things in life besides substances that are habit forming. I think one person pointed to a very good article on &#39;internet addiction disorder&#39;. They say that everyone has an addictive component to their personality and some more than others. I don&#39;t know, and I prefer to keep an open mind. I do know though that habits are easy to form and this applies to everything in life. They can be corrected with a little application.

Of course I only know this because I have indulged in bad habits myself, and so I am being preachy. It doesn&#39;t bear re-stating. IT is pretty simple and logical. :)

04-11-2003, 12:18 AM
Hey the two of you are making a differance, but if anyone should be helped it should be El -Produtino.

That guy obiously needs all the help he can get .
Next thing you&#39;ll know is that hes been smoking glue or drinking gasoline

04-11-2003, 12:32 AM
Can&#39;t we all just get along? People have been using drugs, in one culture or another, since the existence of man. Personally, I like drugs, in moderation, and I feel that responsible adults should be free to choose, not delegated by law as in the US.

If you are a supporter or not, the bottom line is that people will continue to take drugs. Some drugs will cause harm, some won&#39;t. More importantly, drug use will not go away. Harsh penalties such as jail and fines won&#39;t make people stop. Next time they hand you a "say no to drugs" brochure, you tell them to study the prohibition period with an open mind.

It is time for a proactive movement toward legalization and ethical treatment. Some countries have already taken this route, and drug use in those countries has stablized, unlike the US where the drug rate continues to climb.

04-11-2003, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by nahan@9 April 2003 - 09:54
You guys like fags ......I hope you mean smokes ,cigs whatever.

I guess thats all part of the anti smoking program,because everyone gets disgusted when you say your gonna go have a fag ,suck back a fag,buy some fags,craving for some fags,really need a fag.
aaahhhh gross
:lol: :lol:

stupid brits. :P

04-11-2003, 04:04 AM

04-11-2003, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by jay973@10 April 2003 - 23:04
are u british?

in that case, go have a fag. everyone know ure hooked on em. :lol:

04-11-2003, 04:10 AM
Funnily enough,im just smoking one now(a cigarette)&#33;
It helps to keep me awake.Its 05.10am over here. :D

04-11-2003, 04:12 AM
just call it a fag. u know u want to.

and dont forget to brush your teeth. :lol:

sorry. too far? :P

04-11-2003, 04:12 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-11-2003, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by jay973@10 April 2003 - 23:12
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ok then. we&#39;ll all just agree. :D

04-11-2003, 04:26 AM
I&#39;ve never shot dope. That&#39;s about it. :blink:

04-11-2003, 04:31 AM
just as long as u never suck back a fag. ive never even tried that, personally, to be honest. glad i havent. whats the point?

04-11-2003, 04:46 AM
Lets have a vote &#33;

Who here has ever bought some fags?
Who here has smoked glue?
Who here has drankin gasoline?
Who here has rumaged through my trash and eaten my coffee grinds?
Who here has stolen my lucky charms?
Who here has lived in england?

04-11-2003, 04:48 AM
I&#39;ve known of fags from England. Does that count?

04-11-2003, 04:55 AM
u guys are fags. and its impossible for a person to be a cigarette, if ya know what i mean. :lol:

ok i&#39;ll admit. i took the coffee grinds. didnt think u&#39;d notice. i was drunk, ok.
i&#39;ll buy u some more if youre that upset about it.


04-11-2003, 05:04 AM
So you guys dont smoke fags,hahahaah

Hey if im huffing solvents please call my parents hahahaha
smoking glue whats wrong with people these days

Hey some bum stole some old cloths outta my trash for yourinformation,and i think he ate some grinds too