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View Full Version : easytree.org is gone

04-06-2005, 07:16 PM
On their site it says...

April 6, 2005, 16:00 GMT

Hello gals and guys,

We're very sorry having to tell you that we had to shut down EZT just a couple of minutes ago.

We got a call from our provider, they had received a few letters from a couple of lawyers. They requested EZT to be shut down immediately, otherwise we and the hosting service would be sued.

As you may imagine, we do not have the funds to fight a battle we most probably can't win anyway.

We would like to thank everyone here for their contributions to EZT, one way or the other, for sharing the music, sharing an ideal, for all your mails, rants, praises...

To say it with Joan Armatrading:

We had fun, fun, fun, fun
fun, fun, fun, fun
we had fun -- while it lasted...
--"Tall in the Saddle"--

You all take good care!

This really sucks, I loved that site and managed to get a lot of rare stuff from it. It didn't allow commerical releases either, which is why I dont understand why its getting shut down

04-07-2005, 11:27 PM
It is truly a sad day. That was the best live music torrent site since STG. I'm going to post a thread askinking if anyone knows alternative sites or where the folks who posted there will now be posting.