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View Full Version : Initial D

04-07-2003, 11:09 AM
How come there are some acts from stage 1 (16, 20,...) that look completely different than the other ones I've downloaded?

Gandalf on Crack
05-07-2003, 04:25 AM
wow were at the same palce I just got to episode 16...but guess what...i thought about it...believe it or not and it turns out to be Initial D has 3 serieses and the one your thinking of is called Initial D 1st Stage. and the one it is downloading is 2nd Stage...

Some fool out there labeled it as 1st stage and now i am not able to find episode 16 no matter how i try...good luck finding it..

the 2nd stage file size(THE ONE U DONT WANT TO DOWNLOAD) is: 113 MBs, avoid that mislabelled file at all costs.

Edit: I was just able to find it by happstance after 20 minutes of searching for it on Kazaa...contact me on MSN or AIM if you want to get a hold of it...I hate people who mislabel crap like that!! :angry:

05-10-2003, 12:28 PM
Another question... In the 3rd stage (the movie) there seem to be some parts missing, e.g. the fight between Takumi and the old FC guy (cant recall his name). Is that normal or did I d/l the wrong movie???