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04-24-2005, 11:56 PM
As you all know this is the final season for the Enterprise Crew as the show was cancelled.

This past weeks episode was very interesting as I think the producers really want the show to go out with a big bang.

Remember the Opening Credits to the last episode? Pretty nifty huuh? how they devised that. Well, here is something I played around with and kinda made it an alternate alternate Opening Credit. NO LAUGHING :P

Alternate Alternate Opening Credits (http://domania.us/newcster68/Series/Enterprise.wmv) :lol:

04-25-2005, 04:38 AM
that was kick ass
*edi* dammit i missed the first thirty minutes of that episode,but what i did catch was wicked,best episode ever.

04-25-2005, 06:04 AM

I didn't know it was back on. :blink:

I always thought they should do a series in the mirror universe.

Hell it's only been touched on previously in TOS and DS9. :dry:

edit: oic, I only missed 2 episodes. Whew!!!

I've haven't been out of the house much. I should have known it was back on. :ermm:

04-25-2005, 09:21 AM
Newcster....that was brilliantly done.

04-25-2005, 09:29 AM
Newcster....that was brilliantly done.
I couldn't tell what he did. :blink:

04-25-2005, 09:55 AM
Unless I am mistaken.....doesn't it usually have a load of heroic images of people achieving flight etc.....rather than the catalogue of destruction in newcster's version.

Or am I missing something?

04-25-2005, 10:05 AM
Ace m8 i like it and too tru!

04-25-2005, 02:31 PM
Yes you are correct. All I did though was switch the audio from the new theme back to the original theme. Here is actually how it was supposed to be.

Original Opening Credits (http://domania.us/newcster68/Series/ENTERPRISE3.wmv)

04-25-2005, 08:25 PM
I like your version better newcster.makes it a bit more sinister.
I loved the beginning of this episode
picking up at the end of star Trek first Contact and instead of Zephram Cochran shaking hands he gives the Vulcans some buckshot haha

04-25-2005, 08:35 PM
I like your version better newcster.makes it a bit more sinister.
I loved the beginning of this episode
picking up at the end of star Trek first Contact and instead of Zephram Cochran shaking hands he gives the Vulcans some buckshot haha
Damn I gotta watch that episode!!! :angry:

I can't wait for JMS's Star Trek.

That's going to be the shit.

04-25-2005, 11:57 PM
Damn I gotta watch that episode!!! :angry:

I can't wait for JMS's Star Trek.

That's going to be the shit.

What's that?

04-26-2005, 12:29 AM
I can't wait for JMS's Star Trek.

Yes what is JMS's ?

As I know now, after this series there will be no more star trek continuations made.

04-26-2005, 06:23 AM
Yes what is JMS's ?

As I know now, after this series there will be no more star trek continuations made.
J Michael Straszynski....the guy that made Babylon 5 (wrote for comics Spiderman, Rising Stars, Midnight Nation) and was forced off DS9 production previously.

Now that Star Trek is fucking up they are looking back to him. The problem is this new series will probably be 1 to 2 years off.

04-26-2005, 08:13 AM
Question: *and spoilers*

when archer said about vulcans being slaves, how did humans defeat them they only had 1 vulcan ship

04-26-2005, 12:00 PM
By obtaining there ship and technology they used it against the vulcans as the vulcans are a peacful race they did not see the attack coming.

Though speculation on my part

Also I found out that 3 million dollars was raised by Star Trek Fans and that talk negotiations were in progress to move the show to Canada and air the next season on SpikeTV.

04-26-2005, 04:37 PM
J Michael Straszynski....the guy that made Babylon 5 (wrote for comics Spiderman, Rising Stars, Midnight Nation) and was forced off DS9 production previously.

Now that Star Trek is fucking up they are looking back to him. The problem is this new series will probably be 1 to 2 years off.

They lost money on Enterprise.
When UPN was first starting out, TNG was about the only thing keeping them alive.
Now Paramount is making millions a year from Tos, TNG, DS9 and Voyager reruns around the world.
Those bastards need to show some support for the show. Les Moonves should get on his knees and pray to Roddenbery every night.

Enterprise has been managed badly. Its all Rick Berman and Brannon Baroga's fault. They comprimised with UPN and tried to steer the show towards a more urban audience from season's 1-3. Now in season 4 they've given up all hope on the new audienca and they're just giving the hardcore fans what the want. The formation of the federation, the origion of the klingon look in TOS, the start of the romulan wars, the parallel universe, time travel, etc...
These are clearly attempts to by Berman and Baroga to undo the damage they themselves caused by working with UPN.

3 million isn't enough to save the show as it is now. Filming the show in LA costs over 1 million per episode. Thats why Al Vinci, a canadian producer is trying to convince Paramount to move the show to Vancouver.

04-26-2005, 05:11 PM
They lost money on Enterprise.
When UPN was first starting out, TNG was about the only thing keeping them alive.
Now Paramount is making millions a year from Tos, TNG, DS9 and Voyager reruns around the world.
Those bastards need to show some support for the show. Les Moonves should get on his knees and pray to Roddenbery every night.

Enterprise has been managed badly. Its all Rick Berman and Brannon Baroga's fault. They comprimised with UPN and tried to steer the show towards a more urban audience from season's 1-3. Now in season 4 they've given up all hope on the new audienca and they're just giving the hardcore fans what the want. The formation of the federation, the origion of the klingon look in TOS, the start of the romulan wars, the parallel universe, time travel, etc...
These are clearly attempts to by Berman and Baroga to undo the damage they themselves caused by working with UPN.

3 million isn't enough to save the show as it is now. Filming the show in LA costs over 1 million per episode. Thats why Al Vinci, a canadian producer is trying to convince Paramount to move the show to Vancouver.
When the show first started I thought they should have been doing things we later would see in TOS.

WTF were they thinking? Rick and Brannon were the ones responsible for the fallout with JMS on DS9.