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View Full Version : Got A Firewall

04-07-2003, 01:07 PM
Hi guys i have a firewall and i want to disabel it but dont now how can anyone tel me how to do that?????

04-07-2003, 01:10 PM
which firewall is it?
the only answer i can give you is: disable it by clicking on disable in the options (usually a right click on the icon in the taskbar should bring up a little menu with disable in it).
please remember to tell which one it is next time.

04-07-2003, 10:38 PM
Dam you are a n00b if you want it disabled uninstall it by going to control panel then add/remove programs it is helpful to tell us which firewall you have that would be great next time you post.

Like said above thats how you should do it and if you the name just do ctrl alt del and find its process and end it or that might be to hard for you but that will work also.

04-07-2003, 10:48 PM

My suggestion to you is unless you have to for some special reason and are disconnected from the net, don't disable it!

Instead post your problem. It may be that there is a safe workaround. You will expose yourself to all kinds of problems if you access the net without it.

04-07-2003, 11:04 PM
MisterG, you emphasize on firewalls too much :P

04-08-2003, 12:12 AM
Yes Mister G u are very over ecsjerated the fact firewalls dont so shit unless u have a good one example ZAP doesnt do shit any hacker can get throught that wannabe n00b firewall and many ppl dotn have firewalls and there fine unless your wanted or something or have something special no reason for a hacker ot pick on you unless they magically and randomly pick your comp upin millions of others.

04-08-2003, 12:27 AM
The only reason a hacker would target some random home user computer is to use them as an IRC zombie when they need to do some sort of attack. This usually involves having a worm on your system so an update to date anti-virus should solve this anyway. Firewalls are just extra security for home users.

04-08-2003, 02:14 AM
<_< <_< <_<

I&#39;m new here but don&#39;t let that fool you.

Come on kids. Visiting a few hacking sites doesn&#39;t mean a thing.

That&#39;s old news , those doors have been closed a long time ago unless you want to hack some other kid&#39;s 28k or 56k unprotected modem.

A properly configured firewall will block all the rookies and most so called experts (including a few who may be reading this)

Many companies assign constant isp to users and make it easy to identify hack attempts from the same source. When you get multiple attempts from the same isp you can easily track them to their city and service provider.

True experts are not interested in your connection and won&#39;t risk being tracked. The risks outweight the gains.

Most use trojans and the user&#39;s own stupidity in accepting free software to open portals from their PC to the outside. How many times have you said yes to allow a program access to the internet to act as a server or connect to the internet. Everytime you say yes you make certain assumptions that may not be true. How do you know that the creator of Kazaa, Emule, eDonkey, your virus checker etc.. are not getting info from you on the side. You gave them unlimited permission did you not? Those online games are the most dangerous things on the net when you consider that you create an open door to your pc. And what about those free plugins and addons with auto updates. How many of those are tracking or getting files from you. When you answer a question, take part in poll etc.. you assume that the click means yes or no to the question that&#39;s asked but it could just as easily be piece of code which you have agreed to download and install.

Sorry guy&#39;s but it&#39;s not that easy to hack into someone&#39;s firewalled pc and not get noticed, tracked and probably caught but it&#39;s very easy to trick someone into opening the door with a piece of candy.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

04-08-2003, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the replayes guys i have found it and disabelt it :D :D :D :D :D