View Full Version : Is this safe?

04-26-2005, 12:47 AM
hi, mt brother downloaded this random k-lite from i don't know wherem, can somebody please tell me whether this version is safe or good or not. it's called "K-litePro" and it looks really fancy and professionally done. It also comes with a few other programs called "peer points manager" and "p2p networking", so i was wondering if anyone new anything else about this kazaa lite version and whether it is good or not.


04-26-2005, 01:52 AM
hi, mt brother downloaded this random k-lite from i don't know where, can somebody please tell me whether this version is safe or good or not. it's called "K-litePro" and it looks really fancy and professionally done. It also comes with a few other programs called "peer points manager" and "p2p networking", so i was wondering if anyone new anything else about this kazaa lite version and whether it is good or not.


That sounds like a scam K-Lite you've got. Find out the site he got it from if you can and let us know. First off, hopefully he didn't pay for it. K-Lite is free. If he payed for it he got scammed. If he did, cancel the payment, contact the credit card company. Second, alot of the scam K-Lite's have spyware or trojans in them. I'd suggest uninstalling it and run antivirus, adware and spyware programs to check if it installed any crap.
As for legit K-Lite's, K-Lite ver. 2.7 & K-Lite Resurrection are probably the 2 best out there right now.

04-26-2005, 05:23 AM
no he didn't pay for it and i don't know the site he got it from

04-26-2005, 09:43 PM
kazaa is DEAD and BURIED

3.4 million users. Looks dead and buried to me. :rolleyes: FastTrack isn't the greatest anymore and certainly isn't my first choice for a network anymore but dead and buried, not even close. Why is it in every forum I go to as soon as someone asks for help with K-Lite & someone feels the need to say "Kazaa sucks" or "Kazaa's dead", etc?. He didn't ask for an opinion on that.

04-26-2005, 10:05 PM
http://k-litepro.com/ is a scam site, they charge $$$ for unlimited technical support :blink:

04-26-2005, 11:17 PM
that link doesn't work and he didn't pay anything, that k-litepro.com site though looks like the site he downloaded from. but as long as he didn't pay anything is it still okay to use? it claims to not have spyware in it.

04-26-2005, 11:30 PM
i'm not gonna install it to find out, sorry.
are there ads on the start page?

04-27-2005, 12:04 AM
as long as he didn't pay anything is it still okay to use? it claims to not have spyware in it.
I'm not going to DL it to find out for sure, but most K-Lite scammers take someone else's program, make a few minor changes to it and call it their own. Even if it is trojan free, spyware and adware free, why support someone who probably stole someone else's hard work?. And even though your brother didn't pay anything, I'm sure many others have gotten screwed and paid for their support. K-Lite is supposed to be totally free.

04-27-2005, 02:08 AM
here is another one:

It's a total Shareaza rip off, even worse than etomi.

1. It has a homepage changed to web browser with some website.
2. It has changed all names to K-Lite Pro.
3. It shows Shareaza hubs as K-Lite Pro hubs to fool people that their network is big.
4. All skins and languages removed except english.
5. It messes up Shareaza registry and places all values under HKCU/Shareaza/K-Lite Pro. After that Shareaza uses its settings instead of its own.
6. It has broken BitTorrent URI handler.
7. They do not provide any support except by email.
source: http://forums.shareaza.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37555

EDIT: but with brilliant digital/altnet "peer points manager" i think yours is a kazaa based ripoff, and not a shareaza based one

04-27-2005, 03:05 AM
Looks like a great program.. :rolleyes:

Uninstall that crap, run antivirus, adware, spyware, registry cleaner prog`s.
If you still want K-Lite get K-Lite 2.7 here nsane`s installer (http://www.nsaneproductions.com/index.php?page=p2p/klite27) or here K-Lite 2.7 homepage (http://www.filesharinghelp.com/internationalforums/index.php?showforum=123) or here filesharingplace homepage (http://www.filesharingplace.com/downloads/k-lite.php)(be sure to install beta 4 first than update 4a)
or get Resurrection here filesharingplace homepage (http://www.filesharingplace.com/downloads/kazaa_lite_resurrection.php)