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View Full Version : PS2 Online Vs Xbox Live!

04-26-2005, 01:56 AM
the only games i have played for ps2 that are online is nfsu, socom 1 and 2, i loved socom but hated underground. well i recently have decided to get an xbox, the only games i have is doom 3, halo 2 and ninja gaiden. i was wondering exactly how i go about getting myself online, how the starter kit works, and if its worth being payed for compared to ps2 being free.

PLEASE dont start a console war, not the point here. i just want to know about xbox live as ive never done it before, compared to ps2 as i have played it before. also, what should be the next game i get for xbox, i like games with plots(i.e. fps, action/adventure, rpg) and good multiplayer(halo)

04-26-2005, 01:58 AM
Well whats good about PS2 over Xbox Live, is that PS2 Online is Free. The thing Xbox Live has over Ps2 Online, is a bigger amount of people playing the game you want to play online.

04-26-2005, 02:04 AM
PC owns them both and with charging for extras being the future of console gaming it looks as if it's going to stay that way :happy:

also with the diversity of pc's it looks like they'll never be able to rip us off for playing online.

playstation online is better because it's free :D

04-26-2005, 02:11 AM
@asmithz, thats a reasurring response :D

PC owns them both and with charging for extras being the future of console gaming it looks as if it's going to stay that way :happy:

i completly agree, but its not that bad, PCs were not ment for games

04-26-2005, 02:22 AM
PCs were not ment for games
exactly, consoles r made for games....and its lot more fun playin on console, better graphics n all.

04-26-2005, 02:34 AM
Ehh, with the right graphics card PC dominates in graphics. PC is the best for FPS, RTS, Puzzle, and ok for some RPGs.

Consoles are good for all the other genres.

Best bet is to get all 3 to enjoy gaming at the most.

04-26-2005, 02:44 AM
Ehh, with the right graphics card PC dominates in graphics. PC is the best for FPS, RTS, Puzzle, and ok for some RPGs.

Consoles are good for all the other genres.

Best bet is to get all 3 to enjoy gaming at the most.

IMO PC obviously owns the RTS gaming but... FPS are much better on the PC, but consoles are getting better, and i think the new release of consoles are geered more for having a mouse(due to online)so maybe consoles will take over FPS.

Ehh, with the right graphics card PC dominates in graphics.


04-26-2005, 07:24 AM
PS2 servers have been known to be laggy and not as good as Sony has to choip in to buy them but gets nothing out of them. Also XBConnect is free for Xbox.

04-26-2005, 07:36 AM
Also XBConnect is free for Xbox.

Also very little user base in that :( Wish there were more.

04-26-2005, 02:31 PM
Also very little user base in that :( Wish there were more.

I've never used it myself but what abouty Xkialink or whatever its called

04-26-2005, 03:14 PM
PS2's online to Xbox Live is a bad comparison since PS2 doesn't have a streamlined online service.

PS2 does have some paid for online content.

Xbox Live is the best by far which is why Sony will be emulating it soon.

04-27-2005, 09:28 PM
xbox live becuz u get what you pay for,sonys servers suck balls

04-27-2005, 10:20 PM
xbox live anyday, PS2 online really sucks cuz servers lag like a bitch, u dont get that many content or updates. as for xbox live, you get what you pay for as suprafreak said, but its worth it.

04-28-2005, 10:08 PM
xbox live is the victor in my opinion. more people, better presentation, better stat tracking. like you i have nfsu 1 and 2, i played them once online and never went back, it's just that bad.

05-03-2005, 04:54 AM
PS2 servers have been known to be laggy and not as good as Sony has to choip in to buy them but gets nothing out of them. Also XBConnect is free for Xbox.

ive played socom a lot and found no problems with it, it depends on the game, some allow modems, socom doesnt.

also, how is xbconnect, i see people saying its a small user base

05-03-2005, 11:40 AM
X-Box live is my fave yeah, it just seems put together well, bit more than the PS2 imo.

As for console versus PC, PC I suppose is the winner, but I like online play with consoles alot more. With PC's it seems like every developer just releases half assed games because they know they can fix all their shit later with an unlimited amount of patches. With console games you get what you get, and they usually get it right the FIRST time, usually.

05-03-2005, 02:33 PM
X-Box live is my fave yeah, it just seems put together well, bit more than the PS2 imo.

As for console versus PC, PC I suppose is the winner, but I like online play with consoles alot more. With PC's it seems like every developer just releases half assed games because they know they can fix all their shit later with an unlimited amount of patches. With console games you get what you get, and they usually get it right the FIRST time, usually.

Some of the time. :dry:

05-03-2005, 08:35 PM
It just doesnt feel right playing a FPS on a console. Very sac-religsh if you ask me. Consoles are only good for the GTA series. It feels just wrong playing GTA on PC.

silent h3ro
05-03-2005, 10:36 PM
I'd prefer Live because the servers arent laggy at all, even on wireless. Btw y was my last post deleted?? :blink:

05-04-2005, 06:30 PM
I'd prefer Live because the servers arent laggy at all, even on wireless. Btw y was my last post deleted?? :blink:

But you see, you have made this post far better :)

....your last one was lame, and added nothing to the discussion.