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View Full Version : Help me pick a research topic for school

05-01-2005, 11:35 PM
okay need to do presentation in front of class on a GENETIC DISORDER so anyone done this b4 or know of any good topic ideasi thx in advance :D

05-01-2005, 11:50 PM
Crib Death
sorry but i forgot the technical term but a friend of min had a baby before which died after 2 days.
3 days ago he had another baby - they saw the baby getting weak and immediatly got doctors and manged to save the baby - it is obviously not a coincidence - it is genetical and it is a disorder and the child will have a disorder.
i dont know all the terms but it is definetly a topic which is not "cared" enough by doctors.

05-02-2005, 12:47 AM
^^^k thx appreciate it i would probably pick that but if anyone has any other suggestions i gotta turn in my topic idea b4 wednesday