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05-05-2005, 12:31 PM

Another step forward in the race to crack open the PSP: ps2nfo.com user Paradox worked out how to get a dump from a UMD disc, and has released the ISO files for several PSP games (Wipeout: Pure US, Ridge Racers Japanese, and Vampire Chronicles: The Chaos Tower Japanese). Also of note, UMD discs use the standard ISO9669 format, so the released ISOs can be burned to regular CDs or DVDs. Know that the games are not yet playable in this format, but it’s a big step forward now that all the reverse engineers out there can get their hands on this stuff.

now all we need is an UMD burner... :P

05-05-2005, 05:54 PM
ROFL! Let the games begin....

05-05-2005, 08:58 PM
omfg i want to burn games......i dont want to have to put games on a memory stick because thats dumb....(1-1gb stick-150$ cant even hold 1 game.) I hope they make it so u can use the psp to burn the stuff onto the umd that would be pimped out

so awesome

05-05-2005, 09:15 PM
omfg i want to burn games......i dont want to have to put games on a memory stick because thats dumb....(1-1gb stick-150$ cant even hold 1 game.) I hope they make it so u can use the psp to burn the stuff onto the umd that would be pimped out

so awesomethe psp cant burn umds...thats like asking yuour xbox or gamecube to burn dvds for you... no way. Doesnt the PSP have usb? maybe something like connecting a HD thru USB to get games to play...

05-05-2005, 09:29 PM
if you could burn UMD's that would go against sonys stand on piracy.

05-05-2005, 10:18 PM
jeez my bad guys i was just triying to get some ppl happy...

05-05-2005, 11:18 PM
Nice, ALl i say we need is a emulator now :D

05-05-2005, 11:20 PM
it seems to me someone has actually managed to make a copy of a disc. this has been made possible by removing the casing and actually shaving down the disc to fit a standard dvd drive from what i have read. this should mean its possible to work out exactly how a umd disc is setout so that you can make copies with standard dvds. there is a way to go until your able to backup :wink your discs i bet.

05-06-2005, 02:37 AM
Sony plans on releasing a burner for the PSP too. (PC based)

05-06-2005, 07:08 AM
wow that's some nice news...looks like i m gettin a psp pretty soon....

05-06-2005, 08:11 AM
isn't the psx a burner?

05-06-2005, 06:12 PM
isn't the psx a burner?
Yes, the PSX as in the PS2 media center that was released in Japan can burn dvds.

05-08-2005, 10:35 PM
I wonder if they'll release special disks that you can pop in and out of the UMD to burn on the computer. Like a blank UMD, and after you burn it on the PC, you just stick it into the little plastic thing. It wouldn't be too hard to do, really.

05-09-2005, 12:23 AM
I wonder if they'll release special disks that you can pop in and out of the UMD to burn on the computer. Like a blank UMD, and after you burn it on the PC, you just stick it into the little plastic thing. It wouldn't be too hard to do, really.

yeah, btu it would cost them a fourtune in game sales, there trying to make it harder to to copy games, not hand it on a plate to you.

05-16-2005, 12:44 AM
Oh, I don't mean Sony, I mean some smart engineers who can manufacture and sell the parts and instructions on how to make your own. I'm sure it'd be illegal though.

05-17-2005, 02:14 AM
i think i'd be illegal too

06-13-2005, 05:05 PM

BREAKiNG NEWS: Homebrew on v1.50 PSP! Posted By: PS2NFO.COM On Yesterday 02:22 AM
Update #2: PaWsTick from the PsP-Dev Team has now confirmed that their exploit does NOT run on v1.51 firmware either, so $ony did a nice quick job of fixing their 1.50 holes it appears. On the bright side, many in the USA already have a v1.50 PSP... and those who don't can still run out and grab one without the fear of it being a later firmware version for the time being.

Update: PaWsTick from the PsP-Dev Team has now confirmed that their exploit does NOT run on v1.52 firmware. They haven't tested it on v1.51 yet, but rest assured we'll mirror a news update here with the results when they do. I'm glad I didn't update my firmware though beyond v1.50 just in case.

CybBlade of our Forums (and iRC EFnet #PS2Ownz) confirmed tonight that PsP-Dev now have a working v1.50 exploit for running "homebrew" or unsigned code from it, similar to what NEM did for v1.00 firmware PSP users. A brief video of this in action can be found on their Web site HERE for those interested, and on 6/15/2005 (15:00 GMT+1) they plan to publically disclose the method used in Tutorial format to the world! We at Team PS2NFO congratulate our Spanish affiliates, and look forward to LOTS of nice "homebrew" releases to follow along with even more UMD dumps! Please post all related feedback on this VERY COOL news in THIS on-going Forum thread. Finally, we'd like to make it known that the legitimacy of this news has already been 100% confirmed by myself via high-ranking scene elders... so no, this is NOT another "fake video" nor publicity stunt- it's REAL!

06-14-2005, 05:13 AM
omg whats this mean its up for download now and it actually works on 1.5 us version?

06-14-2005, 06:13 AM
if you could burn UMD's that would go against sonys stand on piracy.
uh, nuts to that. Sony have sold cassette recorders, vcrs, dvd burners, etc. there will prolly be UMD and Blu-Ray burners eventually, as well. as long as people buy recorders, Sony will sell them.

06-14-2005, 02:34 PM
omfg i want to burn games......i dont want to have to put games on a memory stick because thats dumb....(1-1gb stick-150$ cant even hold 1 game.) I hope they make it so u can use the psp to burn the stuff onto the umd that would be pimped out

so awesomethe psp cant burn umds...thats like asking yuour xbox or gamecube to burn dvds for you... no way. Doesnt the PSP have usb? maybe something like connecting a HD thru USB to get games to play...

Then that eliminates the idea of "handheld gaming" if you are tethered to your computer just to play games. If the PSP had some sort of mini hdd built into that would be cool, instead of buying the frigging expensive memory stick.

I was just wondering. Do miniDVD's fit inside of the UMD drive in the PSP?

06-14-2005, 03:08 PM
omg whats this mean its up for download now and it actually works on 1.5 us version?

06-14-2005, 08:24 PM
the psp cant burn umds...thats like asking yuour xbox or gamecube to burn dvds for you... no way. Doesnt the PSP have usb? maybe something like connecting a HD thru USB to get games to play...

I was just wondering. Do miniDVD's fit inside of the UMD drive in the PSP?

No, its a new type of disc.

06-15-2005, 04:30 PM
today the swaploit for 1.5 has been released...i havent used it yet because you must have 2 ms which i dont but i might buy a big memory stick if you can play umd rips with it can someone verify that you can play umd rips if you have a big ms

06-15-2005, 05:36 PM
Doubt it, a type of Daemon Tools will need to be developed to mount the UMD games via the PSP from the memory card. Not an easy task.

06-15-2005, 06:05 PM
Why? :blink:

Sony plans on releasing a burner for the PSP too. (PC based)