View Full Version : Disabling/Limiting Upload Without Affecting the Download Speed?

Paco Joe
05-17-2005, 09:05 AM
Are there any clients out there that let you disable the upload without affecting the download speed? I use Azureus, and with that program, you can't turn your upload speed way down without turning your download speed way down too, right?
I don't want to be a bad bittorrent user, but uploading files just kills the connection speed for my roommates. I was thinking about doing pretty much all my downloading during the day, and then doing all my seeding from something like 3am to 9am to get my share ratio for everything up to at least 1.

05-17-2005, 09:56 AM
bittorrent clients upload the most to the peers they download the most from. so limiting upload speed most times effects download speed

05-19-2005, 02:10 PM
this is remotely controlled, not locally, its in the network........ LUCKILY

so if you wanna leech you should go back to kazaa (there aint an excuse, just download slower/less if you cant give back)

05-19-2005, 03:25 PM
on torrentstorm you can limit uploads. i tend to cap them at 15-20k. anymore kills the internet.

i think another factor is the amount of seeds & leeches. i've had popular files say they're uploading at 15k but my firewall counts it as 30k :blink:

Rick Phlegm
05-19-2005, 03:26 PM
on torrentstorm you can limit uploads. i tend to cap them at 15-20k. anymore kills the internet.

i think another factor is the amount of seeds & leeches. i've had popular files say they're uploading at 15k but my firewall counts it as 30k :blink:
I think this guy wants to stop uploading altogether.

In which case he can fuck right off :01:

Seriously tho, I use ABC and there are options for the maximum upload speed both during a download and when nothing's downloading, allowing it to change dynamically depending on what you're doing.

05-20-2005, 12:46 AM
azureus lets you limit upload speed. I think most clients do that.

its not good for the network obviously if you just want to leech,... but if you're trying to limit upload speed for when you want to use your computer thats another thing all together. theres an awesome plugin for azureus that lets you schedule the times you want your download/upload speeds to be at..

06-08-2005, 05:47 AM
try using ABC client and a bandwidth limiter called Netlimiter. this combo lets me download at my max and only up at 1kb/s which is the lowest u can limit using netlimiter. also make sure ABC client has no upload limit restriction. I don't know if this somehow fulls it or what all i know is that it works.

Rip The Jacker
06-08-2005, 06:20 AM
try using ABC client and a bandwidth limiter called Netlimiter. this combo lets me download at my max and only up at 1kb/s which is the lowest u can limit using netlimiter. also make sure ABC client has no upload limit restriction. I don't know if this somehow fulls it or what all i know is that it works.
You know, if everyone downloaded with BT and didn't upload anything. No one would get anywhere. :pinch:

06-08-2005, 11:56 AM
If its slowing down your internet, try limiting the number of outbound connections. I used to have a problem of it tripping out my network card. You can set it in Azureus, not sure about anything else

06-08-2005, 01:32 PM
just limit bitcomet to maximum upload speed of 3...tht wont kill ur bandwidth

Money Fist
06-08-2005, 01:39 PM
lol what torrent client dont let u limit upload?
i have been thru about 6 of the popular ones and i think only the bittorent (original one) never had such option

just limit bitcomet to maximum upload speed of 3...tht wont kill ur bandwidth
now that isnt very nice to the rest of us now huh
any way most trackers count ur upload & download ratio
so if ur upload is too low compared to ur download
it will cap your download for a few hours