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View Full Version : Using 2 soundcards a possibility?

05-22-2005, 02:53 AM
I've recently bought this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16826160101) headset. It runs off of it's own soundcard so I had to disable AC'97. The thing I don't like is that now of course I can't listen to music on my speakers without having to restart and switch the BIOS settings back. This is a pain in the arse obviously.

The question is, is there a way to leave AC'97 enabled and still be able to use the headset?

05-22-2005, 05:55 AM
I think it should be possible by setting up two different hardware profiles

To create a hardware profile, open Control Panel, select Performance and Maintenance, and click System. From the System Properties dialog box, select the Hardware tab, and click the Hardware Profiles button. This launches the Hardware Profiles tool, which allows you to specify that a computer will be used with a docking station or to manually create additional profiles.

see here http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/hardware_profiles_overview.mspx

once you find out which ones they are it should be possible to make a batch file so its easy to switch between the 2

have you checked withsupport from the headset company it seems like a pretty stupid system

05-22-2005, 08:06 AM
Ok, I did some research with the links and info you provided (thanks btw), but I don't think it's going to be possible. No matter which way I configure a new profile, I'll still be required to restart my PC in order to load a different profile. :frusty:

If there is more than one hardware profile on your computer, you can designate a default profile that will be used every time you start your computer. You can also have Windows ask you which profile to use every time you start your computer. Once you create a hardware profile, you can use Device Manager to disable and enable devices that are in the profile. When you disable a device in a hardware profile, the device drivers for the device are not loaded when you start your computer.

This is feckin ridiculous. :fist: :angry:

I am going to contact Tritton as you said, but if I can't figure out a solution in a few days, these things are going on eBay. :dry:

05-22-2005, 10:28 AM
it doesn't seem logical :wacko:
you cant connect speakers to new card?

05-22-2005, 10:07 PM
it doesn't seem logical :wacko:
you cant connect speakers to new card?

Nope. It's an external sound card. :ermm:

http://img286.echo.cx/img286/7413/tritton8ze.th.jpg (http://img286.echo.cx/my.php?image=tritton8ze.jpg)

It just keeps getting dumber and dumber doesn't it? :dry:
Welcome to my world. :frusty:

05-22-2005, 10:35 PM
Nope. It's an external sound card. :ermm:

http://img286.echo.cx/img286/7413/tritton8ze.th.jpg (http://img286.echo.cx/my.php?image=tritton8ze.jpg)

It just keeps getting dumber and dumber doesn't it? :dry:
Welcome to my world. :frusty:

Your computer can only send sound through one card at a time right? I dont think there is a way of having them both work at the same time. And that is a USB soundcard by the way.

05-22-2005, 11:39 PM
I think you can select the sound device to be used in the Control Panel>Sound and Audio Device Properties. The Audio tab has default device selection from the small arrow at the right.

So you can have the two devices installed but you select the one you want to use.

05-23-2005, 11:14 PM
I don't get what the problem is...it appears that the headset soundcard connects via USB.

If that's the case, then why would you have to disable your onboard sound in the first place?

05-23-2005, 11:18 PM
Skizo - that one you purchased looks very similar to the one i recommended.

Good job - looks sweet.

Are you sure it's an external soundcard though? Mine came with an amp, which plugged into my soundcard in my PC