View Full Version : OC - Season Finale

05-31-2005, 11:32 AM
What are your thoughts on the last ep of the season. This one was alot better than season 1's...

If you wish to know what happenens read the spoiler here;
Caleb dies by heart attack and falling into a pool, then ryan finds out trey attacked and almost raped marissa then goes after him which then leads to marissa shooting trey in the back when ryan and trey are fighting.

05-31-2005, 02:25 PM
I thought it was an amazing episode. The only problem is a very long wait to find out what will happen next. my opinions in spoiler

i think that julie will be investigated as I am sure the writers wont leave out the importance of the advice Sandy gave her.

I am also wondering what will happen to Marissa but I can't even begin to think of all the ways they can develop on that idea.

What about the Kirsten story. What will happen and how long will she stay in rehab? Marriage strengthened?

Tate (Jimmy) is back for season 3. I liked his character so I'm glad but I wonder if they'll keep Haylie (sp) too?

Can't wait for season 3