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05-31-2005, 02:57 PM

A public meeting or assembly for open discussion

Societies are weird - we humans are so......

so there are different "characters" on every forum
it is the characters which make up the place
the normal hold up the base, shall we say they are background music
then you have the extreme characters
they need only post once to cause a stirr.
Yet all characters have a function
they are all essential to make up the community

In the "real" world - those you dislike (eg at job, or the smelly guy next to you in the cinema) cannot simply be provoked until they leave - cause they work, live there etc
In web world - either you can dissapear in seconds or stand your ground - or push someone out....

Lets say if you had totall control of this forum -would you eliminate people, or would you let it open to all, and prevent its members from social control - even towards a certain type of "thought" "style" "method"

I have noticed on diffrent sites that there are different types of language use, styles, peoples - this is "society forming"
all those that do not fit this "forum" do not belong
Is this not a form of losely called "anti-typism" such as is found in highschools?

So is the future of web forums = small congregations of "similar types"?

my god how exciting living in normality of your own "type".

Where is the challenge? of course new people will come in and soon realize that they dont like it there or here or wherever and moveon.
of course we must write in english here, and the amount of chinese & midle eastern & african people replying here is astounding

Should not the web forum world not be open to all types cause it is after all connected to the entire world and it is after all 2005 and he have evolved beyond racism, antisematism, typism etc - should the web not be the first place where the world is free of all those anti -isms - and form the worlds firsts real unbiased community?

It is time now for the Web Revolution, let us all hold hands and puke in each others mouths.

Viva el che Ziggy under the diety of Gemby so that we can embrace the future fragmentation of our communities.

anyway im going down to my local paki to get some chinese food & rent a trashy hollywood movie, and you need anything?

(yes i do know that reall life works exactly the same)

05-31-2005, 04:44 PM
Pick me up some hotdogs...

05-31-2005, 04:52 PM
I'll settle for some hot women

05-31-2005, 10:12 PM
I'll settle for some hot women

05-31-2005, 10:36 PM

It is time now for the Web Revolution, let us all hold hands and puke in each others mouths.

The hand holding....maybe.
The other thing....no.

06-01-2005, 06:23 AM
Bite the hand that feeds.