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View Full Version : MPAA has its eyes on bootleggers by proxy

06-01-2005, 02:34 PM
Human and vehicle traffic monitoring devices have become a fact of life in many large cities. Traffic cameras dot major highways and expressways throughout New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Long Island. New York City Police also have established human monitoring devices in public areas. The goal of these devices is to relay traffic information and to deter or capture criminal activity. It appears the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) has taken a fancy to this idea.

The MPAA claims it has struggled financially thanks in larger part to street vendors selling counterfeit DVDs. Counterfeit DVDs cover a wide selection, ranging from the latest theatrical release to old time favorites. Due to the low prices and generally decent quality, such street vendors typically generate solid revenue to the underground economy.

In the MPAA's eyes, money made from counterfeit street vendors is money taken out of the studio's pockets.

To further combat this issue, the MPAA is taking a brave new step forward. In a press release issued yesterday, the MPAA announced it would fully fund the purchase and installation of 10 video cameras. The cameras will be installed in the city's fashion district and will be monitored by police from LA’s Central Police Station.

“The MPAA is delighted to assist the fine and dedicated efforts of Los Angeles law enforcement officials in catching people selling illegal DVDs,” said John G. Malcolm, Senior Vice President and Director, Worldwide Anti-Piracy Operations, MPAA. “It is our pleasure to assist them with these cameras which will help them lift a rock and shine a light on rampant counterfeiting of DVDs which used to take place in the dark shadows.”

According to the MPAA's press release, the total cost for the purchase and installation of these video cameras is $186,000. When suspicious activity is detected, officers will be directed to thwarting these clear and present dangers to pop culture.

Source: Slyck News (http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=810)

06-01-2005, 04:32 PM
That just bizzare, not suprising but still bizzare...

Darth Sushi
06-01-2005, 06:27 PM
Sounds like George Orwell's 1984!

06-01-2005, 06:29 PM
"When suspicious activity is detected, officers will be directed to thwarting these clear and present dangers to pop culture."

haha, danger to pop culture. That's actually GOOD NEWS, if the underground is helping to destroy pop culture.

06-02-2005, 01:56 AM
nobody needs pop, thanks for the info