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View Full Version : A program that can decrypt a winrar file????

06-05-2005, 09:10 PM
hey guys im wondering if any one knows of a way or a program that will decrypt a winrar file? i just downloaded return of the king off of pirates bay a 13gig file and its password encrypted. when i went back to see if he password was posted on piratesbay the file had been removed. im assuming because of its password encryption. please help :)

06-05-2005, 09:19 PM
Theres password finders you can download that find out the password but im sure they'll take years to figure it out. You could always download a different copy?

06-05-2005, 09:32 PM
if you had the torrent you could track down the password, just look at the tracker and goto that site and sign up
I have had to do that before on a ps2 game

06-06-2005, 12:44 AM
Paste the exact filename of the file you want the password for, and then space to the right of it, and type "password", and hit enter.


18_Wheels_Of_Steel_Pedal_To_The_Metal_NoCD_Crack-VENGEANCE.ShadowCast.rar password

Or if that doesnt work, try searching without the ".rar" at the end


18_Wheels_Of_Steel_Pedal_To_The_Metal_NoCD_Crack-VENGEANCE.ShadowCast password

06-06-2005, 05:20 AM
there are password cracker programs out there but they use the brute force method.. which is basically trying all the combinations.. And that would take awhile. Try searching google if ur interested. ;)

06-06-2005, 08:23 AM
there are password cracker programs out there but they use the brute force method.. which is basically trying all the combinations.. And that would take awhile. Try searching google if ur interested. ;)

I have seen some on emule, but they are not in english, and I couldn't use them :(

Money Fist
06-06-2005, 08:43 AM
if none of the above ideas work try this

read the readme.txt file (if its not encrypted)
normally there is a link to a website
try paste the link in the passwordbox


this has worked for me a few times