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View Full Version : Is an AGP slot an AGP slot?

06-14-2005, 07:31 PM
Here's newbie type qustion for you...
I have an older computer (P3-850)
with a 32MG Matrox G400 dual head video card.
I want upgrade my video card. My motherboard is an ASUS P3BF
Is it possible to use the newer AGP 4X or above video cards in the same slot.
I'm guessing no but I thought I'd ask.

Any help is appreciated...

06-14-2005, 08:11 PM
Wouldn't be worth it even if you could.

Plus 4X AGP is far from new. Theres 8X AGP and PCI-Express.

From PC's of the same spec i've seen of yours i'd say theres a 90% chance your mobo doesn't have an AGP slot.

Long story short: Not worth even looking as you need a whole new PC anyway.

06-14-2005, 08:59 PM
That's what I figured.
The darn thing is... My PC runs like a charm. I've been on systems with 2GB processors and I don't detect a huge difference in speed. If I recall correctly, ny Matrox G400 is a 2X AGP!!! Pretty funny. I guess as far as video goes I'm hopelessly out of date.
Oh well : )

06-14-2005, 09:24 PM
That motherboard DOES have an AGP slot, it's a 4x slot.
You could use most (if not all?) of the new AGP cards (i know the radeon 9200-9800's should work, and the geforce 5200-5950 as well). I'm not sure about the newest models (the geforce 6xxx+ and radeon Xxx).

I don't know how much of a difference you will ntoice, IMO you should just wait until you buy a new PC before buying a new graphics card as the rest of the computer would just be bottle necking it.

06-14-2005, 10:08 PM
@rossco, it's a 2X slot.

Some sites have it as 4X but I checked the owners manual at Asus: http://www.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/slot1/440bx/p3b-f/p3bf-104.pdf

See specifications on page 8.

06-15-2005, 01:41 AM
@rossco, it's a 2X slot.

Some sites have it as 4X but I checked the owners manual at Asus: http://www.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/slot1/440bx/p3b-f/p3bf-104.pdf

See specifications on page 8.
My bad.
must have looked at one of those sites that says 4x. :pinch: