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View Full Version : Fuk I Just Thought Of Sumthing!

04-09-2003, 11:45 PM
I just was thinking and at my movie theater they dont let anyone into R rated movies under the age of 17. Not even if ur parent buys u the damn ticket and even signs it! I am fuked.. I dont know how i am going to see the matrix reloaded and I have been waiting practically 3 years! I have snuck into my fair share of R rated movies at the theater, but for a movie this big and on opening night, there WILL be guards. I couldnt see the Jackass Movie untill like a month after release. Same with even OLD SKOOL! does anyone have any suggestions.. I practically cant sleep thinking about how i am not going to be able to see the movie on opening day! and my mom or dad cant take me......... this sucks soooooooo much azz0r

04-09-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by sk8punk151@10 April 2003 - 00:45
I just was thinking and at my movie theater they dont let anyone into R rated movies under the age of 17. Not even if ur parent buys u the damn ticket and even signs it! I am fuked.. I dont know how i am going to see the matrix reloaded and I have been waiting practically 3 years! I have snuck into my fair share of R rated movies at the theater, but for a movie this big and on opening night, there WILL be guards. I couldnt see the Jackass Movie untill like a month after release. Same with even OLD SKOOL! does anyone have any suggestions.. I practically cant sleep thinking about how i am not going to be able to see the movie on opening day! and my mom or dad cant take me......... this sucks soooooooo much azz0r
just hope someone gets a nice screener of it that's full screen. I watched the two towers that way. Great quality on that sucker

04-09-2003, 11:54 PM
:unsure: :unsure:

04-09-2003, 11:57 PM
yes thank god for screeners... and kazaa

yippie! i don't ever have to leave the house now!

04-10-2003, 12:00 AM
um.... have an uncle or someone take you. pay a bum to go with you, :lol:

04-10-2003, 12:00 AM
Grow a moustache, borrow an ID. B)

Infested Cats
04-10-2003, 02:18 AM
Drive to a different Theater!!!

04-10-2003, 03:43 AM
I dont know what I am going to do. I would drive to a different theater, but all theaters in this reigion have the same policy. Its bullshit that the MPAA and the governemnt not let young ppl into movies because they think it will corrupt our minds. They shouldnt blame movies, blame society!

heh well I am sure I will find a way. Its just really bugging me that I dont know for sure if i am going. lol. im such a nerd when it comes to the matrix :unsure: