View Full Version : best windows customizing programs

06-26-2005, 04:43 PM
what would you say the best programs to customize windows looks would be?

I use stylus xp for the theme, icon packager for the icons and object dock

06-26-2005, 05:05 PM
The uxtheme.dll (multipatcher 4.0 from neowin (http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=140707)) for the themes, and nothing else for the rest (can set what icons I feel like changing anyway, and I don't like those dock-thingies).

I like a clean system without a lot of extra/unnecessary stuff running/installed :happy:

06-26-2005, 05:37 PM
so wait that just patches your computer so u can use any theme without the programs?

06-26-2005, 07:32 PM
The UXtheme.dll patch merely allows for XP to run "unsigned" .msstyle files via the display properties applet.

Applications such as StyleXP, StarSkin and TuneUp Utilities do so much more to customize your desktop and GUI. More than XP could on it's own.

06-27-2005, 02:02 PM
The UXtheme.dll patch merely allows for XP to run "unsigned" .msstyle files via the display properties applet.

Applications such as StyleXP, StarSkin and TuneUp Utilities do so much more to customize your desktop and GUI. More than XP could on it's own.
You don't really need any of it though, but if I did decide I absolutely had to do some radical changes I'd be getting aston (http://www.astonshell.com/aston/) (used to use it, before I decided I didn't need a lot of junk on my deskto, and it's what I'll be getting back to if I ever get bored of my current ones), or blackbox (http://www.bb4win.org/news.php). Those look interesting, and can do pretty much all I'd want if I suddenly felt it was necessary to mess with my GUI.

For example TweakUI, from Microsoft themselves (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx) gives you a few more options, if you wanna reconfigure stuff btw, in case you wanna change where some of the fixed shortcuts are pointing to, or stuff like that, with the regular windows desktop.

06-27-2005, 09:02 PM
Well, essentially what TweakUI does is merely "unhide" options in XP that exsist already that allow you to change various aspects and configurations. What programs, such as StyleXP, do in addition to shell replacement are things like logon and bootscreen switching. Icon replacement and explorer bar customizations. Items that XP is not capable of modifying on it's own accord without seriously tweaking/hacking protected operating system files. Aston Shell does not necessarily deal with these items.

What you invariably use depends upon the degree you want to persue in customizing your GUI. Aston Shell or Tweak UI for those desiring the modest of changes. StyleXP or StarSkin for those who want a different look to XP utilizing the native engine of Windows. Or the full-blown "Object Desktop" from StarDock if you are looking to go thermonuclear on your desktop. At least that is my personal outlook on the whole deal. ;)

06-27-2005, 09:12 PM
I don't use them, btu the stardock programs a real nice (but use too much resources).

Windows blinds (for themes), object dock (for dock), object desktop for putting "widgets" on the desktop, icon packager for quickly changing icons, cursorXP for some nice cursors.

I once had all those programs on my comp at once. :blink:
Even had fishies swimming around my desktop if i remember right. :lol:

edit: here's my desktop from last year: http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs4/i/2004/238/f/d/Desktop___Aug_25__2004.jpg

06-27-2005, 09:38 PM
I tried some of those as well. However, I thought it was kind of "too much". I settled for merely going with StyleXP and then SysMetrix to add alittle "flair" and desktop functionality. :cool:

Izzy's desktop (http://darkhawk.lightstar1.com/images/RedDragonSME_SS.jpg)